Genesis Through Malachi

The Old Testament stands as the foundation of the Christian faith, offering profound insights into Christ’s enduring relationship with humanity. From the creation account in Genesis to the prophetic writings that foreshadow the coming of the Messiah, this sacred text weaves a rich tapestry of faith, struggle, and redemption. It encompasses diverse genres, including historical narratives, laws, poetry, and prophecies, reflecting the cultural and spiritual legacy of the Jewish people and setting the stage for the New Testament.

In this section, I will dive deep into its key themes and significant figures, tracing the unifying narrative that runs through its books. We’ll journey through pivotal moments such as the covenant with Abraham, the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, the reception of the Law at Mount Sinai, and the timeless wisdom found in poetic literature like Psalms and Proverbs. These stories, rich with meaning, illuminate Christ's unfolding revelations and His steadfast commitment to His people, offering invaluable lessons for believers today.

Beyond the familiar narratives, we will address often-overlooked yet critical topics such as the worship of False Gods and the profound connection between Sin and mental health. These themes are essential for understanding the complexities of humanity’s spiritual battles and their implications across generations.

To deepen our exploration, I will reference the Wycliffe 1382 Bible, shedding light on key textual alterations that have shaped our interpretations over time. This analysis will draw attention to the "dissention" described in 2 Thessalonians 2, a warning about the fragmentation and confusion arising from doctrinal divisions.

By examining these critical facets, my goal is to expand your understanding of the Old Testament and its relevance for contemporary believers. Together, we will uncover its enduring truths and explore its profound role in the grand biblical narrative, equipping us to navigate faith in a complex and ever-changing world.


2 Thessalonians 2:1-6: But, brethren, we pray you by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of our congregation into the same coming, that ye be not moved soon from your wit, neither be afeared [neither be aghast], neither by spirit, neither by word, neither by epistle as sent by us, as if the day of the Lord be nigh.  [That] No man deceive you in any manner. For but dissension come first, and the man of sin be showed, the son of perdition, that is adversary, and is enhanced over [upon] all thing that is said God, or that is worshipped, so that he sit in the temple of God, and show himself as if he were God. Whether ye hold not, that yet when I was at you, I said these things to you? And now what withholdeth, ye know, that he be showed in his time.


Book of Exodus.


Book of Leviticus.


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