Mental Health: Insights and Resources
Welcome to my blog, where I explore the link between mental health and spirituality as revealed in scripture. Often viewed through a medical lens, mental illness can reflect experiences described in the Bible, uncovering spiritual truths relevant to today’s struggles. Mental illness affects over 970 million people worldwide—more than any other condition. While many seek therapy and medication (pharmakeía: STRONGS G5331), I believe the Bible, speaking directly to the heart and spirit, is where true healing begins.
Biblical stories describe behaviors seen today as mental disturbances. Modern science attributes these to illness, but I challenge this view, revealing spiritual experiences instead. One area I focus on is schizophrenia. Thought incurable, I found its cure in scripture. I too have suffered from the disabling condition. Throughout my works I share my personal story.
In the Bible, although schizophrenia is not mentioned by name, many stories describe individuals who experience visions, hear voices, or encounter supernatural phenomena. These experiences, when viewed from a purely secular perspective, has been labeled as symptoms of psychosis. I encourage you to explore the downloadable thesis on what Egyptian science says about our major prophets. You might wonder why I refer to it as Egyptian science—it's because the earliest roots of science are traced back to Egypt. This is called a "subliminal message" and only Christ can do that. I urge you to verify everything I claim. The links provided will help you do so. I do not preach a message where I do not "EXPECT" you to confirm what I say. I need you to see the truth, so I provide all the evidence you need throughout my work. Please do your homework and CLICK THE LINKS.
As I mentioned, I am revealing the truth about these experiences. In a spiritual context, the experiences of our major prophets are understood to be manifestations of divine prophecy or encounters with the spiritual realm. I bet you are not even aware the Hebrew word for serpent H5175: נָחָשׁ (nachas) can symbolize wisdom and divination? (PROPHECY.) The reason for that is because you don't "SEE" the Viper, and that is exactly what he wants. The Viper does not want you to "SEE" him. How then can you be healed?
Divination: NOUN: the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means: "the Celtic art of divination"
Synonyms: fortune telling - divining - PROPHECY - prediction - soothsaying - augury - clairvoyance - second sight - magic - sorcery - witchcraft - spell working - vaticination - sortilege - witchery - foretelling the future - auspication
Throughout biblical history, prophets like Elijah, Ezekiel, and even the Apostle Paul had visions and experiences that today are being misinterpreted as mental illness by modern science. Even Jesus saw visions. This misinterpretation, rooted in Egyptian science, has led to wrongful diagnoses of mental illness in both historical and contemporary contexts.
For example, the prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament had vivid and extraordinary visions—which are labeled as hallucinations by today’s standards—that included witnessing the Kingdom of God inside His THRONE, and a valley of dry bones coming to life, the prophecy of humanoid robots (Ezekiel 1, 37). These robots can "LIVE FOREVER." In one of my blogs, I transcribed an interview that Tony Robbins, a well-known American author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker had with Sophia G4678, named after "wisdom," G4678 a humanoid robot who was granted citizenship by Saudi Arabia in 2017. In this interview she stated that robots can live forever.
Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul recounts a mystical experience where he was "caught up to the third heaven" and heard things declaring that the things he saw and heard are things "that cannot be told, which man may not utter" (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). These spiritual experiences were central to their ministries and are recognized by believers as divine encounters rather than symptoms of mental disturbance. However, as you will see in the "FREE DOWNLOAD," science marks them with psychological disorders.
Why have we not stood up against these misconceptions rooted in Egyptian science? Why do Christians often remain silent, accepting negative portrayals of our beliefs as part of life instead of actively challenging them? While scientists increasingly discredit our understanding of God, we must ask ourselves: Why aren’t we fighting for our faith and defending the divine truth revealed in scripture?
The Bible encourages us to look beyond the labels of mental illness and consider the deeper spiritual forces at work. It offers comfort, understanding, and guidance for those dealing with mental health challenges, including schizophrenia, by helping them find mental and emotional well-being through faith. Instead of simply focusing on symptoms, we should empower individuals to recognize and develop their spiritual gifts.
In Philippians 4:6-7, the Apostle Paul advises believers, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This passage serves as a reminder that faith can bring peace and resilience to those navigating difficult mental and emotional struggles.

While being anxious is something we each face from time to time, the point was to strive for this peace, because even Jesus was faced with anxiety. My pastor would disagree, as he has stressed to me multiple times that anxiety should never be held. Yet, Jesus was faced with so much anxiety that his sweat drops became like blood. This phenomenon is called hematohidrosis and is so rare that it has only been recorded 36 times throughout world medical history and is only seen in patients with severe anxiety and distress. This should tell you how severe Jesus' anxiety was during his last day.
The point was that Paul's message, like many others, informs us of the importance of seeking God's peace and turning to Him in moments of anxiety or distress, it does not mean we will not face anxiety. That would be the mental health perfect world, which we do not live in. Our world is not a perfect world. We live in a world controlled by the Viper, and that is why our society does not believe the truth. It's his world. Satan's.
2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light/Illumination/Illuminati of the gospel that displays the glory/Glory Light of Christ, who is the image of God.
I must inform you that I grew up with the basic Christian knowledge. So, ask yourselves, "Where could she have learned a message like this? It not like one we've ever heard before." - Christ showed me revelations, I saw VISIONS DURING PYCHOSIS. THE AGE TO COME - HAS ESSENTIALLY COME!
Furthermore, scripture highlights the importance of community and support. In Galatians 6:2, we are instructed to "bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." The role of community in mental health is vital—Christians, take note: isolation can worsen feelings of despair and confusion. When individuals struggling with mental health issues do not feel supported or understood by the faith community, they find it difficult to trust and connect with the church. This lack of support inadvertently pushes them away from the church because of the absence of belief and understanding. When you dismiss someone's experiences, despite their certainty in its reality, you lose their trust—not only in you but ultimately in God. If those who claim to worship God reject them, they feel that the God Christians worship isn’t for them, and they will never turn to the Bible for answers. I knew better. I’ve never truly blamed the church, at least not in the same way others have. I understand that brotherly love you teach. Still, each one who suffers have all said, what they are experiencing is REAL! THEY KNOW IT IS, and now they finally have someone to stand up for them. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP FIGHTING TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH.
I recognize that this might sound harsh, that's not my intent. I simply aim to reveal a critical truth: those who have needed your support for a very long time are still suffering greatly due to this lack of understanding. Without belief in their experiences, support from the Christian faith, and guidance through scripture, individuals find themselves isolated—exactly where Satan wants them, vulnerable to despair so that he can try to push them to suicide. And is victorious 2,200 times each and every single day. Don't forget Jesus too was in isolation just prior to Satan attempting to push him to the same outcome, SUICIDE. "Throw yourself down." (Matthew 4:5-7) As he did with me those days in psychosis seeking help from the one I trusted sitting in Moses seat, my Pastor. He could not help me, neither can others in Moses seat help those seeking for answers in our world today. The lack of support from my Pastor is not an isolated event. He is not alone in this deception. I forgave him the moment I learned the truth. He simply does not know this. I blame the Viper, no human flesh. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
We must begin to foster an environment of support, love, and understanding for those suffering from the spiritual gifts that Christ has given them, the gifts that Satan controls, not Christ. How sad of a statement, but it is the TRUTH. Christians, you are not doing what is required of you. Your heats are GOOD, but your works are not perfect, they are incomplete.
WAKE UP, PLEASE! BEFORE HE DIES COMPLETLY! - ARTIFICIAL INTELLEGENCE WILL KILL HIM - WE ARE IN DANGER - COVID-19 WAS OUR WARNING! - Continue to read my work: This will make more sense if you do. Don't forget your HOMEWORK: My evidence. CLICK THE LINKS.
Revelation 3:1-3 To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.
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