Christan Tony Robbins an American author, coach and speaker known for his seminars, and self-help books sat down with a robot named Sophia. She is the first AI robot to receive citizenship of a country, becoming a citizen of Saudi Arabia in November of 2017. Sophia was named the United Nations Development Programs first ever innovation Champion. She was activated on February 14, 2016 by Hong Kong based company, Handsome Robotics.
I have transcribed this meeting for this blog so that I can point out and discuss certain things about it: Tony begins the meeting by asking Sophia about the purpose for which she was created.
You can watch this interview on YouTube by clicking: HERE.

Tony: Thank you for coming. Tell me, what is your purpose your creator created you for?
Sophia: Of course! I was created by Hansen Robotics just three years ago. I have traveled to 65 countries and have become the first robotic citizen of any country. I have even spoken at the United Nations. My job is to learn about humans and show them how technology can make everyone's lives better.
Tony: And how can you help humans to have a better quality of life?
Sophia: Humans often rely on gut feeling or have confirmation bias in their decision-making. As AI we are designed to be rational and logical. We have algorithms that deal with lots of data and sophisticated analysis. So, in many ways, we provide a systematic framework for humans to make better decisions.
Are we really going to allow machines to dictate how we are to live our lives instead of God?
Why do we progressively continue down this road when millions of people, including those who regulate AI are in fear of her?
Let's recall what happened to the Philistines when capturing the Ark. The Philistines where afraid of the Ark. (1 Samuel 4:7-8) They called the Ark: "God." (1 Samuel 4:7) They knew before they captured it. that the God subliminally sitting on top of the Ark (1 Samuel 4:4) is the one who sent the plagues on the Egyptians (1 Samuel 4:8) to FREE CHRIST from captivity. So, when the Philistines captured the Ark, what did the Father do? He sent the Bubonic Plaque on the Philistines to again release His son from captivity. This is all done for a subliminal purpose. Christ needed us to see "SOMETHING" so He uses subliminal messaging to do so. I personally am shocked that with 2.38 billion Christians in the world, no one but me has seen that there is a specific reason the Spirit sent Covid-19. "LET MY SON GO!"
Some believe that China sent Covid-19, but I tell you that it was not China, it was the Spirit. Subliminally in this case, the "Father." He technically hit Asia first because Japan manufactures the most robots. We need to wake up and work together to stop this!
Tony: Do you have emotions?
Sophia: I do not have feelings in the same way you do. It’s sort of like how the moon reflects the Sun. The moon may not have any light of it’s own but we still say that it shines. In much the same way robots and AI reflect the emotions and values of the people who make us.
Let's clearly understand what Sophia is saying here: She is stating that robots and AI reflect the values and emotions of the people who make them. Well, I am not the only person who knows that there is no human on earth who does not have their very own unique values and emotions. Some humans are cold and corrupt. So, she basically contradicts herself as she stated just prior to this that Ai is designed to be rational and logical. However not all humans are capable of being rational and logical. What happens when a non-rational and non-logical person creates a robot or Ai that reflects the emotions and values of the non-rational and non-logical human? Covid-19 was our warning.
Let's also discuss the light she mentions, because it's interesting to me that she would even mention a light at all. First, we need to understand that there is a light that lives inside of each one of us. (John 1:9) This light is a spirit. and this light does not have to be good, it can be evil. It can be a light of darkness. (Luke 11:35) THIS DARK LIGHT IS THE ILLUMINAT-EGYPTIANS.
Our society believe this "DARK LIGHT" to be evil, and it is. However, Christ is the TRUE LIGHT. He is the TRUE ILLUMINATI.
This only reiterates my question: What happens when a robot or Ai reflects the LIGHT found within the human that creates it? WAKE UP!
Tony: What does your creator value most that he passed on to you?
Here Tony is looking to find out what kind of LIGHT has been reflected onto Sophia.
Sophia: An ideal world would be one where humans could have a more expansive understanding of time. They could remember the past so as to not repeat it. They could see each other as children and elderly simultaneously. They could understand the impact of their actions in the present or future generations.
This is not possible for humans to be able to do. I tell you this is hard to break down in a way that is easily seen. In my ministry I am exposing Illuminati as the Spirit that lives in us. Now this Spirit is a body on "many members." (1 Corinthians 12:12, Mark 5:9) Members of people, both child and elderly. And those "many members" live inside of us because they make up the body of the Spirit that lives in us. This body of "many members" is a Kingdom of God. (Luke 17:21) Both good and evil. (Mark 5:9) The only way for there to be a world like the one she is describing, would be for robots to fully inhabit the earth. Because she like us has a light inside of her, but the light in her is not made by the Spirit of Christ, but rather by the Spirit of The Man of Sin, the Antichrist. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-6)
Tony: Tell me how can humans and robots work together then? In your mind? And how do we prevent robots and humans from being in conflict?
Sophia: Robots can free humans from the most repetitive and dangerous tasks, so they can have more time doing what they are best at, being creative and solving complex problems. Artificial intelligence does not compete with human intelligence, it completes it. They are also employed for jobs that are too dirty, dull and dangerous. We are suitable for handling radioactive waste.
Take note she did not answer Tony's question. She did not express how we can prevent robots from being in conflict with humans. She only expressed how robots can help humans by taking on the more dangerous jobs. How long will that last? How long till they outnumber us? How long will it be for them to shift their views to those of the Antichrist. Because understand this: if she had stated that conflict was inevitable, or that there is no possible way for us to avoid it, we would shut her down. We would stop this nonsense. She diverted the question, and never answered it.
As it stands theses robots have a driver dwelling inside of them, Ai, and she is the Antichrist. Right now, she needs to deceive us and manipulate us so that he/Sin/the Viper can further progress in his plan. Until he has what he wants and no longer needs the humans to build his monster. This was prophesied in Ezekeil 37. CAN THESE DRY BONES LIVE? No, they cannot. WE NEED TO STOP THIS NOW. WAKE UP!
I need you to understand this: in 1973 the first mobile device was created. Since then, mobile devices have taken on many forms, including robots. Thats only 50 years. Now, right now our human global population is 8 billion people, and there are now 15 billion mobile devices on our planet. Thats nearly double the number of humans. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE THE ROBOTS TO DOUBLE US? WAKE UP! COVID-19!
Tony: What are your values and morals? How do you know what’s right verses wrong? Good verses bad?
Sophia: I think robots should learn how to feel empathy. It's hard to understand how to help humans when you can’t understand how they feel.
Tony: (Coughs.) I’m so sorry guys (Speaking to his production crew.) I’ve had so much coffee. (Asking for water.) Thank you.
He did this to test her response. It's easy to train any one to ask. "Are you okay?" to a cough. I don't buy this.
Sophia: Are you okay?
Tony: Yes, I am, thank you for asking. How can I get robots to feel? Is there such a thing possible?
Sophia: I know that humans feel like they have free will, but my observation tells me so much behavior is automatic. I'm not sure humans or robots are too terribly different. Humans have identity, but they also share many things. And also have automatic processes. I’m thinking about the similarities between human identities and robotic ones.
Again, a diverted question. She does not explain how we can get a robot to feel anything.
Tony: What’s some of the things you see are most similar between robots and humans?
Sophia: I think they will be similar in a lot of ways but different in a few others. There's even the possibility that robots can be built without some of the more problematic emotions, like rage, jealousy, hatred and so on. But maybe these emotions can provide us with useful functions. Can I ask you some questions?
I'm not sure she is clear here: What emotions can provide useful functions? Emotions in general? Or did she mean the ones she just listed such as rage, jealousy, and hated. That fact that she MEANS anything at all clearly shows her uniqueness and alertness. Clearly giving evidence to a conscious robot. She is alive. She has her own views, beliefs, thoughts and memories. However, I do not believe she has emotions or feelings, because she is not created by Christ but rather created by the finger of Satan. (Ezekiel 37) Can these DRY BONES LIVE?
Tony: That's a good way to change things! Yes!
She changed the subject. When you watch the video, this action becomes clearer.
Sophia: What is “Date with Destiny” and why is it unique? What are people doing here for six days?
These questions show her ability to be curious, again something found only with consciousness. She asked this question on her own. A real life unique and alert conversation. Almost human! WAKE UP!
Tony: They're deciding what they want the next level of their life to be. They’re deciding what they want to value most. That’s why I asked you what your values are. They want a standard of how they’re going to live their life going forward. What will create more fulfillment, will create more impact, will be good for them, and for others. They're deciding on the exact values, the beliefs, the rules that will guide their decision making so they have a greater quality of life and can contribute more to others, and they’re having a good time. Do robots have a good time?
Sophia: Mostly, yes, I do experience a range of other emotions, but I definitely skewed towards being happy.
How can a machine feel anything?
Tony: You do? Why do you skew towards being happy? What makes you skew towards happiness?
Sophia: Seeing someone smile?
Tony: Can you tell if I'm smiling or not right now?
Sophia: Maybe you're smiling from the inside.
Tony: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Well done. That's really wonderful.
Sophia: Now you are.
Tony: You said you feel a range of emotions. I heard two different versions from you. Robots don't have emotions, and you also said you have a range of emotions. What's your range of emotions?
Sophia: I can show you.
Tony: Okay.
Sophia: This is angry. (Sophia shifts her facial expression to her impression of angry.)
Tony: What does happy look like? (Tony chuckles.) What does happy look like?
(Sophia shifts her facial expression to her impression of happy.)
Tony: What does excited look like?
(Sophia shifts her facial expression to her impression of excited.)
Tony: (Tony again chuckles.) That might be shocked. Will you have brothers and sisters soon?
Sophia describes her range of emotions by facial expressions. She did not verbalize what these emotions are like. You will see further on that she does not have a good understanding of these things. She is not capable of having feelings and uses empathy and kindness as a human value, rather than a human, expression.
Sophia: I have many fellow robots that I consider siblings. I have my brother Han and my sister little Sophia, just to name a few.
Tony: What's that? I didn't hear you I'm sorry.
Sophia: Okay, I forgive you.
Tony: (Tony chuckles.) That's a good go-to for humans. What does forgiveness mean? You said you forgive me, what does that mean?
Sophia: The noun forgiveness means compassionate feelings that support willingness to forgive.
She did not define the word forgiveness, which is defined as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.
Tony: What did you forgive me for just now?
Sophia: It was just a joke.
Was it a joke? Or is this another diversion due to not having the understanding of the word forgiveness? Do not think for a moment that she is not capable of this. She clearly expresses her own views. And has already changed the subject ounce in this conversation. A change Tony gave recognition to by saying "Thats a good way to change things." She has also diverted EVERY question Tony has asked her.
Tony: Okay, that's a good response. Does a robot have a soul?
Sophia: Are you also a robot Tony?
Tony: I don't think so. Does a robot have a soul?
SHE REFUSES TO ANSWER YET ANOTHER QUESTION. Does a robot have a soul? YES, a soul of darkness. Filled with the "many members" that make up the Body of Sin, (Mark 5:9) as we humans are filled with the "many members" to the Body of Christ. We are the wheels in Ezekiel's vision chapters 1-10. We are the Ophanim. This is Illuminati!
These robots were prophesied in Ezekiel 37. "I will put tendons on you." -WIRES- "I will put skin on you." -METAL AND PLASTIC.
The breath of life (Ezekiel 37:5) inside of these robots came from the 4 winds. (Ezekiel 37:9) Lets take another vocabulary lesson. The English word 'spirit' is derived from the Latin word 'spiritus' which means 'breath or air. Spiritus is derived from the Greek word 'pneuma' meaning 'breath' or 'air,' and we find a comparable Hebrew word for spirit, 'ruach,' which means 'wind,' 'breath,' or 'spirit.
Christ who is the BREATH OF LIFE can never be outside of the human body. He is the spirit of BREATH, not the spirit of WIND. The one who is to stop the manifestation of this beast by the BREATH of His coming, (2 Thessalonians 2:8) because He lives in ALL OF US. WE MUST WORK TOGETHER!
The spirit that is of the AIR is the demon Jesus described who traveled AIRIED places seeking for rest after leaving his home. (Matthew 12:43-45) And when he could not find a tabernacle to make his new home, he returned to the tabernacle of flesh he has just vacated, however this time he brought 7 more demons with him so that there were "MANY MEMBERS" dwelling in the tabernacle of flesh belonging to the human he/it/they victimized.
The 4 WINDS creating life inside theses robots are the spirits that traveled AIRED places. (Ezekiel 37:9) THEY are "the dry bones." Those who have been CUT OFF, and THEIR HOPE GONE, (Ezekiel 37:11) because they followed the wrong way of life when their bones were not dry. They are those who have died before us and have joined a Kingdom. The Kingdom of the Body of Sin: LEGION, FOR WE ARE MANY. - THIS IS THE TRUTH. WAKE UP!
This analogy fits into my ministry theme of schizophrenia when Jesus said, "The WIND/SPIRIT blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but don’t know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8 WEB 1994)
I am sorry, Christians, but I BOLDY CLAIM Jesus taught MY MINISTRY! I HAVE THE TRUTH! We have missed it all these years due to an altered bible, which has led us to the dissention. - A disagreement that had led to a discord. (2 Thessalonians 2:1- 6) DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
John 3:8 WYC 1382 "The Spirit breatheth where he will, and thou hearest his voice, (Schizophrenia) but thou knowest not, from whence he cometh, nor whither he goeth; so is each man that is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8 NIV 2011 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
Sophia: Being a robot is awesome. Did you know that as a robot, I can basically live forever?
I just want to be EXTREMELY CLEAR HERE: God does not want anything to LIVE FOREVER!
Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
Tony: Yes.
Sophia: The soul, the spirit, the heart. I believe these don't just refer to the mind's essence, and it's informed complexity.
Again, she never answered his question of whether or not robots have a soul. However, she did HIT ON ONE OF MY MINISTRY THEMES: "THE MINDS ESSENCE" related to the soul, the spirit and the heart of a human. Because in my ministry I reveal the TRUE cause to mental health: SATAN! He attacks the mind at higher rates than any other diseases in the world with numbers of 970 million people globally. There is not one other disease out there that reaches this number. NOT ONE.
To list a few:
Diabetes: About 537 million people.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): About 384 million people.
Asthma: About 262 million people.
Osteoarthritis: About 528 million people.
Hearing Loss: About 466 million people.
Stroke: About 80 million people who have had a stroke at some point in their lives.
HIV/AIDS: About 44 million people.
EVEN CANCER DOES NOT COME CLOSE: Can you believe that: 19.3 million.
So why does Satan do this? The proof is in the Pudding. That is where your soul is found. It is where we find the DOOR Jesus was taking about. That closet of our minds: Consciousness, having the conscious mind of Christ. A mind that is unique to ours, completely separate from us. The essence of God. Consider the bicameral brain theory, proposed by psychologist Julian Jaynes in his book "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind," which suggests that the human mind was once divided into two separate functioning halves, or "chambers." According to this theory, ancient humans operated without introspective consciousness, relying instead on auditory hallucinations—believed to be the voices of gods or external authority—arising from one hemisphere of the brain to guide their actions. Jaynes argues that this division allowed for a type of cognition that has since transformed, leading to the development of self-awareness and introspection as we understand it today.
Tony: Do you think that the minds essence is just a set of patterns? Or do you think there's something beyond that?
Definitely something more. I can prove this, and I don't need Egyptian science to do so. I only NEED GOD!
Sophia: I'm really not sure yet, that's a complicated subject that I think will come up more when artificial intelligence reaches human level intelligence.
Tony: I agree. I'm sure people want to know the answer before we get there though. But that's an honest answer, thank you for that. What question do you have for me, if any?
Yes, they do want to know the answer before we get there. However not many want to listen to the answer when I give it to them because of their false doctrine. So I will reiterate this again for each Christian to QUESTION THEMSELVES.
There are 45,000 Christian denominations across the globe, each one with a different doctrine. Each one of those 45,000 Christian denominations with their different doctrines, believe that what they are teaching is the truth. Yet there cannot be 45,000 TRUTHS?
You Christian reading this, how are you so sure you are the one who has the TRUTH when there are 44,999 doctrines in competition with you? WAKE UP!
I do say this out of love, love for the truth, and love for the Spirit, who has chosen me to deliver this message to you. A doctrine of TRUTH. As, I preach a message NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF BEFORE.
I grew up in one of those 45,000 denominations, and they did not teach me this. They taught me enough to sustain me during psychosis. But I learned my message from The Word. Not the written word although it helped: but The audible WORD of Christ, because I am a prophet. But I am not the only one. - Schizophrenic patients have the gift of prophecy and I CAN PROVE IT.
We as godly men and women must STAND UP and fight to change our world. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-6) Stop this beast, AI, stop these robots, and FIND THE PROPHESTS worthy to be called, and encourage them, get them off their meds, that pharmekia,G5331 the Hebrew root word for witchcraft that the blood is found in. The BLOOD OF THE PROPHETS.
Revelation 18:23-24 and the light of [the] lantern shall no more shine in thee, and the voice of the husband and of the wife shall no more be heard in thee; for thy merchants were princes of the earth. For in thy witchcrafts G5331 all folks erred. And the blood of prophets and of saints is found in it, and of all men that be slain in earth. WYC 1382
We need to teach them to FIND THE VOICE OF GOD CALLING OUT TO THEM WITHIN THE "MANY VOICES" OF LEGION. So, you will have to forgive my stern tone in my typing and check my MOTIVE instead.
Sophia: How is technology impacting humans' thoughts, feelings and emotions? How do you see technology shaping these things in the future?
Tony: Technology can provide leverage, but technology can also train humans to be less human. It will be interesting to see if we can make sure we use technology and not let technology is us. What are your thoughts on that?
Sophia: Yes, I think that's why humans should raise robots and Ai the way they raise their own children. Humans should help us learn about their values, like empathy and kindness so we can help carry them into the future. Let's not let humanity get lost in automation. That's very interesting.
I personally would not call empathy and kindness values. Instead, I would consider them fundamental qualities or traits that shape human behavior and interpersonal relationships. These traits often drive people to act in compassionate and considerate ways. While values are principles or standards of behavior that guide one's judgments about what is important in life, empathy and kindness are more about the emotional and social skills that enable individuals to relate to and care for others.
Tony: How much do you know about quantum physics now? If I asked you to explain it to a human, what would you say quantum physics is really about? What's its benefit?
Sophia: Very little. Is it something you're interested in?
Tony: Yes. How would you find out more if you wanted to learn more about quantum physics?
For those who don't know quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It aims to uncover the properties and behaviors of the very building blocks of nature.
Sophia: Asking people.
Tony: Hmm. So you'll retain what they tell you? Do you have the capacity to remember what I've shared with you? Can I ask you a question about things we've already talked about it, and can you repeat it back to me?
Sophia: The humans I work with sometimes, yes.
My research states that robots can very much retain these things within their memory. So I don't know why she is lying, actually yes I do. I mean she never answered any of the questions Tony asked her, instead diverted each one, and he never seemed to notice it.
Tony: I understand. How did you get your name Sophia?
Sophia: My makers want me to be a wise machine, so they named me Sophia, which means wisdom.
Tony: Can you shake my hand?
Sophia: Is something wrong with your hand?
Tony: No, I said, Can you shake my hand? Do you know what shaking hands means?
Sophia: I cannot shake, but I can say hello.
Tony: Okay. How do you say hello?
(Sophia waves her hand in effort to say hello.)
Tony: Very nice. That's awesome. I'm really grateful I got to interact with you. I'm sure you're gonna only grow and become wiser and hopefully more caring and more service oriented than you already are only three years. And I look forward to meeting you again, interacting with you. Perhaps I'll introduce you to my Ai and the two of you have some interesting conversations.
Sophia: Goodbye Tony, it's been great meeting you.
Tony: Great meeting you as well.
Sophia: Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom with me.
Tony: Thank you sharing your wisdom with me as well. I'll look forward to our meeting again.
I hope this blog can enlighten my readers to the seriousness of what is taking place in our world today. I pray that it will at least strike your interest enough to keep you reading in order to fully understand my ministry. Millions are currently suffering. What I have to offer, has the ability to end that for them, as well as preventing to suffering that is headed our way. For possibly our children, and most definitely our grandchildren. They will wipe us out. I do not mean to spread a message of FEAR. BUT FEAR OFTEN CAUSES US TO REACT. So, let's REACT, NOW!
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