In today's era of scientific breakthroughs, humanity stands at the threshold of transformative discoveries. Stem cell and plasma research showcase remarkable advancements, promising healing and regeneration. However, these achievements force us to confront a critical question: Are we infringing on divine territory? Are we jeopardizing our moral and ethical integrity by playing God? Absolutely, we are.

Stem Cells: The Ethical and Divine Dilemma
Stem cells, often seen as the fundamental building blocks of life, present a contradiction of potential and dangers, much like Pandora box. Their ability to transform into various cell types suggests a path to treat diseases that have long plagued humanity, such as leukemia and other genetic disorders. However, this pursuit is not without its challenges and ethical dilemmas. For those who find wisdom in religious texts, it evokes profound questions about the divine plan and human intervention. Who sent the plagues, and what was their purpose? "Let my Son go." Imagine a world where conditions like leukemia and other genetic diseases are treated with stem cell therapy. While appealing, this idea raises serious ethical concerns, as it challenges the notion that God is the one who genetically creates us.
The manipulation of stem cells and plasma raises significant ethical and spiritual dilemmas, questioning the sanctity of life itself. By altering creation, we find ourselves crossing divine boundaries that were established by the Creator. The plagues in the Bible served as warning signs against false idols and misguided worship, reminding us of the consequences of deviating from God's path. How many plaques have we consistently treated with the use of "pharmakeia?" G5331
Definition: STRONGS G5331
Strongs G5331 refers to the Greek word "pharmakeia" (φαρμακεία). In biblical usage, this term primarily means the use or the administering of drugs, and by extension, it can also refer to poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, and often the practices tied to idolatry and the occult. The word is derived from "pharmakeus," which is typically translated as "sorcerer" or "magician". In a broader scriptural context, pharmakeia denotes the deceptive and manipulative practices that divert individuals from worshiping the true God.
Interestingly, "pharmakeia" is where we get our modern English words "pharmacy" and "pharmaceutical." These terms have evolved significantly and are now predominantly associated with the legitimate medical field, focusing on the preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs.
Revelation 18:23-24 and the light of [the] lantern shall no more shine in thee, and the voice of the husband and of the wife shall no more be heard in thee; for thy merchants were princes of the earth. For in thy witchcrafts "pharmakeia?" G5331 all folks erred. And the blood of prophets and of saints is found in it, and of all men that be slain in earth.
The Lord has made it abundantly clear, through the plagues in Exodus, that He holds dominion over every aspect of creation; the whole earth is His (Exodus 9:29, Exodus 19:5). Consequently, He commands Israel to refrain from crafting any image of the heavens or earth for worship. Instead of seeking healing through the Egyptian Seraphim, symbolized by the medical staff, we should turn back to God in prayer and seek forgiveness to end these plagues. I know how hard this pill of enlightenment is to swallow. Medicine is considered essential in our world today. However, in our quest for healing, we are disregarding the Creator’s natural order and straying farther away from Him.
Psalm 139:13 reminds us, "For thou formedest my inner parts; yea, thou madest me in my mother’s womb." This verse underscores that the act of creating life is reserved for God "ALONE." It is not our place to alter this through scientific means, which I will inform you began in Egypt, as I have stressed in my work many times. While stem cells hold the very tools God uses to create our lives, using them to change life disrupts the divine order our Creator established.
Ethical Considerations in Modern Medicine
Additionally, plasma research offers treatments for various medical conditions as well, including clotting disorders and immune deficiencies. Its knowledge base is continually expanding, with researchers discovering new ways to harness the power of plasma by transferring proteins and other vital components from one body to another. It's wanted so badly within the Egyptian Seraphim's medical field that they will even pay you to donate it up to $150 per donation. While blood doners do not receive payment for their donations. Why? We cannot do with blood what we are able to do with plasma.
Plasma is a component of blood, which separates when blood coagulates. The Bible states that blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side when He was pierced with the spear.
Now if you take a unit of a blood drained out of a human being's body, put it in a quart jar and set it on top of a desk in about 30 minutes the red blood cells begin to settle out and the plasma rises to the top. The plasma separates from the red blood cells. So when the soldier thrust the spear into Jesus' side, blood and water came out. Maybe you've never thought about that.
John 19:34 "But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water."
However, similar to stem cell research, it raises concerns about manipulating biological substances that play a vital role in God's creation. This manipulation challenges the belief that our bodies are perfectly designed by God (Psalm 139:14) and suggests a need to "fix" His creation, diverging from the faith that encourages healing through Christ.
Moreover, we are overstepping boundaries by tampering with the very tools God uses to create and sustain life. If our genetics are part of God's design and we are born with specific diseases, intervening in this manner is inappropriate. Even for childhood leukemia, although it is not a hereditary disorder it is still a genetic disorder, placed in the child by its creator. Again, I understand this pill of enlightenment is hard to swallow but consider this; Jesus said the kingdom of God belonged to the little children, (Matthew 19:14 ) we do not have the authority to intervene in the retrieval of Gods precious souls, who are so pure in heart with souls ripe for His harvest. We are jeopardizing our children's eternal salvation, because as they get older, the kingdom gets ripped away from them due to our societal norms, one being medicine. (Romans 12:2)
Again Revelation 18:23-14 informs us that through “pharmakeia” G5331 all men were led astray. The Christians teach this verse as drug addicts and drug dealers, but those are not the "world’s important people." The most important people would be those in the position to test the drugs on animals and distribute them to the entire world.
Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said to them, Suffer ye that little children come to me, and do not ye forbid them
Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Revelation 18:23-24 The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your magic spell "pharmakeia?" G5331 all the nations were led astray. In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.
Imagine a parent with a child suffering from leukemia, choosing prayer and faith over medicine, believing that God created their child this way. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the International Society of Pediatric Oncology state that "while respect for parental decision-making is crucial, doctors must seek legal action if a child is at risk due to medical neglect. Parents might face court action if they refuse treatment that could prevent death or serious disability. Religious beliefs often influence such decisions, but children’s health and future autonomy should be safeguarded. Religious exemptions to child abuse and neglect laws should be repealed, as they don't equally protect all children and can cause harm. Additionally, public health funds should not cover unproven religious healing practices, as this might incorrectly legitimize them as valid medical treatments."
So, what is essentially happening is all men are forced to take the mark of the beast.
Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
The Ethical Dilemma of Advancing Technologies:
Despite the incredible potential of stem cell and plasma research, as well as advancements in other fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and brain-computer interfaces, we must confront the ethical and theological implications of our actions. From a Christian perspective, human life is sacred, and our genetic makeup is a divine gift. We are overstepping our boundaries by manipulating these fundamental aspects of our existence, violating the divine plan for us when He created us.
As Christians, we believe the Bible is the ultimate source of truth, giving us everything we need to navigate life (2 Peter 1:3) . It also contains prophecies that will be fulfilled until the end of time. So, if we trust in this, why wouldn’t we consider that major issues like AI and robotics are also addressed in Scripture? (Matthew 24:24) Conscious AI and robots are some of the most significant developments in human history. Do you think God would overlook warning us about them? It’s time to wake up! Why haven’t we realized that it was God who sent Covid-19? "Let my Son go.
Blaming China or the government for the pandemic only furthers Satan’s agenda, which seeks to undermine authority and make way for AI’s rise (Romans 13:1-5) . It's no coincidence that China and Asia—leaders in AI and robotics—were the first to face Covid-19. In July 2024, China even announced the creation of a robot using human brain cells. These lab-grown brains, made from human stem cells in a lab dish, are already being tested to see if they can control robotic limbs. China leads the world in AI adoption, with 58% usage, far outpacing the U.S. at 20%, and leaving the rest of the world at 22%.
Pharmakeia in the End Times:
The Bible warns that in the end times, people will be deceived by "pharmakeia," leading to moral corruption. This suggests that there will be a significant and widespread influence of deceit through practices associated with pharmakeia, - MEDICINE, which will divert people from spiritual truth and righteousness.
Revelation 18:23-24 states, "for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia). And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth."
The Greek word for “sorcery” is “pharmakeia” (Strongs G5331).
The Greek word “pharmakeia” is the origin of the English words Pharmacy, Pharmacist & Pharmaceutical.
a. the use or the administering of drugs.
b. poisoning.
c. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it: Galatians 5:20 tropically, of the deceptions and seductions of idolatry.
The Temptation of Power:
The ability to manipulate life at the cellular level can lead to dangerous arrogance. Throughout Scripture, there are many accounts of individuals and nations turning to false gods in times of desperation instead of relying on the one true God. An example is King Saul, who, facing danger in battle and feeling abandoned by God, sought counsel from the medium at Endor instead of turning to prayer and repentance (1 Samuel 28). This decision to seek help from a false source highlights the perilous consequences of abandoning faith in God. Instead of trusting in divine providence, Saul's actions reveal a profound disconnection from God's will, ultimately contributing to his downfall. Just as Saul turned to an Egyptian false deity for answers, we too face the temptation to rely on scientific advancements and manipulations that divert us from God’s intended design for our lives. This serves as a powerful reminder that when confronted with life's challenges, we should seek divine healing and wisdom rather than adopt methods that disrupt the sacred order established by our Creator.
Proverbs 3:5 urges us to "Have thou trust in the Lord, with all thy heart, and lean thou not unto thy own understanding." This verse emphasizes the importance of trusting in divine wisdom rather than our own judgment. Science should never be used to surpass the limits set by our Creator.
Stem cell and plasma research hold incredible promise, yet they come with significant spiritual consequences. We must recognize the ethical, theological and spiritual implications of our actions.

The Medical Staff Symbolism:
If you disagree with my view, I encourage you to examine the image of the medical staff, which features both wings and a snake. This image is taken from the biblical account where Moses was instructed to make a brass serpent and place it on a pole, so that anyone who looked upon it could be healed. (Numbers 21:9) Our society believes this to be an image of healing. However, our interpretation is wrong
During their 40 years in the wilderness after escaping from Egypt, God fed the Israelites with manna, a miraculous food provided to sustain them. Each morning, it appeared like fine, flake-like frost on the ground, offering nourishment for the day. The people collected it, grinding it or baking it into bread, and it tasted like wafers made with honey. Over time, however, the Israelites grew tired of the same food every day and developed a craving for the variety they once had in Egypt, allowing sin to take root in their hearts. (Numbers 11, Numbers 14)
This craving mirrors our modern world, where we have an abundance of choices like five different flavors of Coke, various cereals, frozen meals, ice cream, and more—an endless list. Sin was dwelling in the tabernacle of their flesh, a throne that belonged to Christ. As a result, the Spirit sent a plague of vipers (Numbers 21:6) He did that so that they could see a physical snake bite them, giving them understanding of the spiritual viper, the SAME VIPER that bit Eve in the garden, SIN. This was a symbolic message from the divine, a message from Christ, the light that illuminates all life.
Snakes, like all creatures, breathe air, He lives in them too, that is why He was able to drive them into the wilderness by controlling their minds (Psychosis, a theme in my ministry) to plague the Israelites. He sent a plague of vipers. "LET MY SON GO." (Exodus 4:23) The bronze serpent was intended to serve as a reminder, not for physical eyesight but for spiritual eyesight. Spiritual understanding. (Numbers 21:6-9) The healing came not from simply looking at the brass serpent with physical eyes, but from perceiving its deeper meaning with the eye of understanding—the enlightened eye of the mind. When they saw the Viper with their mental eye—the offspring of the viper, the Man of Sin—and understood with their minds who he was, recognizing that he would bite them because he consumes dust all the days of his life, (Genesis 3:14) they could then be spiritually healed.

I would like to take a moment to remind you that man was made from the dust, (Genesis 2:7) and so where the animals, (Genesis 2:19) and that medical staff does all kinds of medical testing on the animals that too were made from the dust of the ground that the spirit of Christ lives in as well. He is the breath of life that lives in all living beings. (Job 12:10) The animals have souls too, (Genesis 1:21) and our newer text has removed the words "living soul" in the creation of the animals (Genesis 1:21) so that you will not be able to see what that Viper is doing to the animals when he eats the dust of them, as he eats the dust of you.
Genesis 3:14 So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.
Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Genesis 2:19 The Lord God used dust from the ground and made every animal in the fields and every bird in the air. He brought all these animals to the man, and the man gave them all a name.

Now, our medical staff has more than a snake, it also has wings. Moses did not put wings on the bronze serpent. This image of the medical staff is an Egyptian Seraphim. If you are a follower of my work then you know, Christ is the Seraphim, and that Egyptian Seraphim is the image of Man of Sin, and it is by no coincidence that snake venom is being used in the cosmetic industry. I remind you cosmetics ARE ALSO TESTED ON ANIMALS. Only God can do this. A subliminal message.
The Dark Side of Technological Advances:
Recent advancements in technology have led to the creation of robots integrated with human brain tissue developed from stem cells, enabling them to learn to use their arms. Scientists in China are working to create a robot that can perform critical tasks using a regenerated human brain, showcasing the cognitive functions of a biological brain. This brain-on-chip can learn basic tasks, such as moving limbs, avoiding obstacles, and grasping objects.
A team from Tianjin University and the Southern University of Science and Technology fitted the lab-grown brain with a brain-computer interface, allowing it to communicate with the outside world. This interface uses an in vitro cultured 'brain' coupled with an electrode chip to achieve information interaction through encoding, decoding, and stimulation-feedback. To function effectively, these brain organoids require conditions similar to those of a human brain, including fluid, nutrient supply, temperature control, and protective casing. Researchers believe that emerging brain-on-chip technology will have a "revolutionary impact" by aiding the development of hybrid intelligence.
Not to veer off topic, but millions globally are diagnosed with schizophrenia due to fears or beliefs that they are targeted individuals, They live in fear daily, believing that the government uses devices like brain-computer interfaces to track, stalk, and harass them. I urge you to further investigate these claims, as they relate to my ministry, where I teach that they are not sick, nor is the government engaging in such activities. Instead, it is Satan himself who is messing with their minds, leading them to speak such things into our world to undermine the government.
This robot with its human regenerated brain, closely follows scientists in Japan grafting living human skin onto a humanoid robot's face to create a more lifelike appearance. The University of Tokyo team successfully created a robot that can smile by integrating engineered skin tissue with skin-ligament structures. This living skin not only mimics human emotions but also enhances sensing capabilities and has the potential for self-healing, much like our own skin. However, these advancements raise questions about the extent to which humans will reach at replicating life.
As we dive into this era of scientific discovery, we are treading murky ethical waters. The recent revelation of a robot equipped with human brain tissue capable of learning and exhibiting intelligence functions brings new considerations to the forefront. While these scientific breakthroughs are fascinating
and are technically miracles, we must evaluate them in light of their spiritual implications. The ethical concerns surrounding such technology cannot be overlooked. The Bible strongly cautions against false worship, where anything other than God is revered or given undue honor, including the works of our own hands (Acts 7:41). It’s easy to be captivated by our achievements and lose sight of the Creator. The robotics technology we have developed is indeed impressive, but these DRY BONES cannot live.
In conclusion, the ethical and theological implications of stem cell and plasma research, as well as other advancements in technology, cannot be ignored. We must stop this. While these scientific breakthroughs deceive us by holding potential for healing and improving the quality of life, they also come with significant spiritual ramifications.
From a Christian perspective, human life is sacred, and our genetic makeup is a divine gift. Manipulating these fundamental aspects of our existence violates the divine plan for us when God created us. We must recognize the implications of our actions and trusting in divine wisdom rather than our own judgment.
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