Subliminal Avatar and God's Finger
In my ministry, I firmly declare that Christ is the True Illuminati. Contrary to popular belief, the Illuminati isn't a secret society of individuals manipulating us into embracing new technologies. No, it is Christ Himself who has always used what we call "forecasting" to prophesy and reveal the future, as seen throughout scripture. He alone has the power to illuminate hidden truths, guiding His children to see the world for what it truly is.
Years ago, like many, I watched Avatar without recognizing the deeper significance. But when I recently rewatched the film, I saw something that had been hidden in plain sight all along: "God's finger." This revelation ties back to an experience I had on Olenes Lane in Baker, Florida. At the bottom of a 10-foot-deep hole I dug on my acre of land, I heard an invisible voice. I now know that voice was Christ, guiding me. He told me that I had opened Pandora's box. At the time, I didn’t fully understand, but now I see. It wasn't me opening that box—it is "us," humanity, as we toy with the limitless, uncontrollable power of AI. This revelation was a sign from Christ, showing me the path ahead.
In watching Avatar, I now see the warning clearly: we are opening Pandora’s box. Christ showed me that through this movie and my experience, the subliminal message has been revealed. It’s not just a film. It’s a prophecy, pointing us to the dangerous future we are ushering in, a future Christ Himself has already foreseen. Now it’s time for us to open our eyes.
Pandora's Box is more than just an ancient myth; it’s a reflection of human curiosity and the inevitable consequences of actions that can spiral beyond our control. When Pandora opened that box, she did not simply unleash random misfortunes—she exposed humanity to every evil imaginable. Yet, in the midst of chaos, hope remained. This powerful metaphor echoes through history, reminding us that with every calamity, there remains the flicker of hope—something sacred, divine, and indestructible.
Now, let’s connect this to the deeper spiritual truths embedded in scripture. In 1 Peter 1:11, we are told that Christ lived within the prophets of old, foretelling not just the suffering of the Messiah, but of all those who would bear the weight of suffering in His name. Christ did not exist solely within the physical body of Jesus; He was the Spirit guiding the prophets, the light within them, just as He is within us today. We are all bearers of that divine essence, and the suffering we endure is not random, it is part of a greater divine narrative.
Take the movie Avatar as a modern illustration of this ancient truth. The moon Pandora in the film is not unlike the mythical Pandora’s Box—seemingly a paradise, but harboring a battleground between good and evil. The Na'vi, connected to Eywa, embody a pure spirituality tied to their world, much like we are connected to Christ. But it is the humans, driven by greed and destruction, who act as agents of chaos, threatening the Spirit of God embodied in Eywa.
And here’s the striking point: While the movie doesn’t explicitly show an "evil god," we can see that malevolent force within the human invaders, attempting to destroy the Spirit. This parallels the battle within our world today. Just as Christ predicted His own suffering within Jesus, He also predicts ours, because He lives in us as well. The Spirit of Christ, the hope left in Pandora's Box, still resides in us, Jesus may have left this world, but Christ remained dwelling within us. He empowers us to fight against the forces that would try to annihilate that divine hope.
In both myth and scripture, we are warned about the consequences of opening certain doors—but we are also reassured that hope, divine and eternal, remains with us to overcome the darkness. Let us not forget that as children of God, we carry within us the power to stand firm, protect the Spirit, and resist the forces seeking to destroy all that is sacred.
1 Peter 1:11 and sought which either what manner time the Spirit of Christ signified in them, and before-told those passions, that be in Christ, and the latter glories. WYC 1382
Christ is the Energetic Force of Life!
Christ is the energetic force that sustains all life. In Avatar, He is Eywa and also Pandora. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—He lives in all of us, as stated in John 1:9 of the Wycliffe Bible, 1382 version. Your newer texts won’t reveal this truth because they have been altered by what I call the “God-Satan's finger,” aiming to obscure the divine reality. It’s not our fault that these Bibles have been changed; we are not the ones who alter them. That took place hundreds of years ago. But it’s undeniable that they have been distorted. I lay bare these truths throughout my work.
Now, Christ Himself directed this film. Yes, you heard me right—this is one of the many ways He proves His existence! GOD PROVES HE IS REAL, AND I HAVE ALL THE PIECES FOR YOU TO SEE HIM. Consider the image at the top of this page. That image is a prophetic vision of the future—one that no human could fabricate. We can do nothing to the planets in outer space except observe and collect data. This is divine a revelation. When this movie was created this revelation was a glimpse of what was yet to come but is now here.

The smaller moon resembling Earth is Pandora, the habitable moon where the Na'vi live. The larger blue moon with the "Great Blue Spot" swirling in a vortex storm is called in the fantasy narrative Polyphemus. It resembles a blue version of our Jupiter, nicknamed the "Gas Giant," known for its Great Red Spot, not blue.
After watching Avatar for the second time, I felt compelled to share my insights through a blog post. In my pursuit of knowledge, I turned to Google, as I often do, and discovered the Avatar Wiki,—a community-driven platform dedicated to expanding the lore of the Avatar universe. This incredible resource not only breathes life into the narrative but also intertwines scientific concepts with fantasy, from the atmospheric gases of Polyphemus to the bioluminescent wonders of Pandora's flora and fauna.
What truly astounds me is the collaborative nature of this wiki. It’s a living document, continuously shaped and reshaped by contributions from fans worldwide. This openness invites each of us to participate, to share our interpretations and expand the Avatar universe. While I may not have the authority to permanently alter its essence—knowing full well that my edits could be swiftly corrected by others—the very act of engaging with this shared narrative is beautiful. It speaks to a collective creativity, a community coming together to construct something greater than any individual could achieve alone.
In this vibrant tapestry of ideas, I see what I can only describe as "God's finger" at work. The interconnectedness of our thoughts and imaginations illuminates the beauty of collaboration and creativity. When I stumbled upon the name "Pandora," it resonated deeply with me—a divine sign.
Clearly, I am not the only one who sees the striking resemblance between Polyphemus and a blue version of our planet Jupiter. According to Avatar Wiki, humanity discovered Polyphemus between 2030 and 2057 using a ground-based telescope named COSTIN. Visually, Polyphemus presents as a slightly smaller, blue and purple counterpart to Jupiter, characterized by less prominent bands and a more massive vortex storm at its center. This eye-shaped storm is fittingly named after Polyphemus, the colossal cyclops son of Poseidon and Thoosa from Greek mythology, famously featured in Homer’s "The Odyssey".
Avatar Wiki categorizes Polyphemus as a "gas giant," encircled by a lethal halo of charged particles. Its radiation belts are notably more energetic than those of Jupiter, with the innermost moonlets enduring radiation levels exceeding 4500 rem per day. This perilous environment is intensified by the planet's higher metallicity. Like Jupiter, Polyphemus primarily comprises "hydrogen and helium," However, while Jupiter is renowned for its striking white, red, and brown hues, highlighted by the iconic Great Red Spot, Polyphemus stands out with its captivating blue appearance.
I need you to understand something crucial: the image you see above is from the movie Avatar, released in 2009. The vision and creativity that inspired this cinematic masterpiece have sparked a deep conversation about our own reality. Make no mistake—there is no way for any human being, whether an astronaut or a data analyst, to turn Jupiter blue. Only God holds that power. The release of Avatar in 2009 wasn't just a cinematic event; it was a prophetic moment that foreshadowed the transformation of our universe. This is a warning, a clarion call: Pandora's box has been opened. Beware!
Now, let’s talk about the Great Blue Spot on Jupiter, first discovered in 2016 by NASA's Juno spacecraft. Yes, I said it, our Jupiter has turned BLUE! Unlike the well-known Great Red Spot, a massive storm raging in Jupiter's atmosphere, the Great Blue Spot is a profound magnetic anomaly situated near the planet's equator. The groundbreaking Juno mission allowed scientists to map Jupiter's magnetic field with unprecedented precision, unveiling this extraordinary feature. This is not just a scientific revelation; it's a cosmic reminder of the mysteries of creation and the power that transcends our understanding. We must heed these signs and awaken to the reality that our world is forever intertwined with the divine.
Revelation 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Isaiah 65:17 “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Jupiter in 2009
Jupiter in 2016

Avatar 3: Fire and Ash: A Reflection of End Times?
Could "Avatar 3: Fire and Ash" be a harbinger of the end times? The anticipation surrounding this film is noticeable, especially with James Cameron hinting at a darker tone than its predecessors, Avatar and The Way of Water. He has stated, “I think it goes to darker places than the previous ones did,” adding, “We’re not afraid to go into the dark places of our characters.” This frank admission suggests a narrative that will challenge audiences and provoke thought—definitely not one for young children.
The title "Fire and Ash" speaks volumes about the cyclical nature of conflict. It captures the essence of how violence breeds more violence, how anger and hatred can lead to devastating consequences. Cameron’s choice of words isn’t just artistic flair; it’s a poignant commentary on the human condition. Fire symbolizes the raw emotions of hatred, anger, and violence, while ash embodies the grief and loss that inevitably follow. This cycle is not just a plot point; it mirrors the struggles we face in our society today—a society teetering on the brink of chaos.

God's Subliminal Finger
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I love this one! ❤️