Prophetic Truths: From Spiritual Snow to Dry Bones

Published on 4 August 2024 at 15:14

To build on our previous discussion about the divisions within Christianity and their implications, Part Two explores how spiritual battles and unusual events come into play. It shares a personal story where I saw what appeared to be snow on my security camera, even though it doesn’t snow in Florida. This experience reveals a broader cosmic struggle and challenges traditional Christian beliefs about spiritual enties.

From Snowfall to Dry Bones:

These images were taken in February 2021 on my LAND on Olenes Lane in Baker, FL. I share this story in my ministry often. These images are real, not fake. My DVR system had four cameras with one of the cameras placed in the backyard. On the recordings it always seemed like it was snowing back there.

While it seemed as though it was snowing in my backyard, the other three cameras never showed any signs of snow. This confused me greatly. I would see the snow on the screen, then head outside to the backyard and would never see anything. There would be no visual snow around me. However, when I returned to the screen and replayed the footage, I would be standing in the middle of a snow field. What is this snow? A VAST ARMY OF DRY BONES. (Ezekiel 37:1-9) Technology can pick up demonic spirit.

It was because I did not believe then, what I am teaching today, that I suffered for so long. Millions suffer years longer than I did. Even when viewing these things on my camera system, I still did not believe. I didn't know what I was looking at. Like millions of others, I read those verses in the Bible about demonic spirits being capable of possessing us and still did not believe that they actually would. Why? Because we do not teach THEM within the 45,000 Christian denominations we have across the globe.

What happened to me was, I could hear women and children screaming my name rape to save them. I began to record the area around my land with audio and would then use WavePad Audio Editor to amplify the sound and this is I would get. Grab your headphones, and be warned because what you are about to hear is real life audio record of demonic forces. The snow on the video. I thought it was human for so long, and it tortured me.

We teach Paul's THORN as a physical ailment. It's time for the TRUTH. These THORNS are harassing millions, pushing then towards suicide. 


2 Corinthians 12:7 And lest the greatness of revelations enhance me in pride, the PRICK of my flesh, an ANGLE of Satan, is given to me, that he BUFFET/HARRASS me. WYC 1382

Mark 9:18 and where ever he TAKETH him, he HURTLETH him down, and he foameth, and beateth together with teeth, and waxeth dry. And I said to thy disciples, that they should cast him out, and they might not. WYC 1382

Mark 5:5 And evermore, night and day, in burials and in hills, he was crying and BEATING HIMSELF WITH STONES. WYC 1382

Matthew 4:6 and said to him, If thou art God's Son, SEND THE ADOWN; for it is written, That to his angels he commanded of thee, and they shall take thee in [the] hands, lest peradventure thou hurt thy foot at a stone. WYC 1382

The Rise of a New Truth:

More than 700,000 people die yearly from suicide. That's 1,907 each day. Millions globally believe they are being pushed towards suicide by the government, which they claim is harassing them with Voice-to-Skull technology and other electronic devices. They believe they have been on the government's hit list since birth, calling themselves T.I.s (Targeted Individuals). This belief is spreading so rapidly that there have been charges placed against the government for such allegations.

People are killing themselves or others every day because of this harassment. Mark 5? The pigs? Jesus: "Throw yourself down?" Placing blame in the wrong direction. The government is innocent. This is Satan's plot to tear the government down, so that AI can rise in its place.

What's even more striking than Voice-to-Skull technology or Targeted Individuals—terms many have never heard of before—is that AI has already told one person to kill himself. Follow the links, I confirm everything I say.

I was forced off this LAND in February 2022, by these HARRASSING THORNS, one year after these images were take. Also, In between the time these were taken and the time I was forced off my LAND, someone broke into my home, and the only thing taken was the DVR hard drive. I was convinced I was being gang stalked. But no, these THORNS DROVE someone to do this so that I would not collect any more images or videos like this. This shows you the control these spirits have on us. Driving us like wheels. A recurring theme in my ministry. The cherubim in Ezekiel’s vision. Only the imagery depicted in Ezekiel's vision represents the Kingdom of God. We are the wheels and these spirits that DRIVE US are the members of Illuminati. This is how Christ speaks to us through subliminal messaging. How long have we been looking at these?

Car logo with wings.

What's the newest one?

Genesis logo.

Exodus 35:35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designers. NIV 2011


As I mentioned, those demons drove someone to steal my DVR hard drive to prevent me from obtaining more footage. If you doubt that spirits can exert this level of control, let me remind you that Christ made sure to demonstrate this to us. Remember when the man who came to arrest Jesus bowed down before Him just before they took Him captive?


John 18:3-6  So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns, and weapons. Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.


These two files are all I was able to salvage. How that was even possible was because II sent them to my husband, who lives in New York, on Facebook Messenger. The voices had me toss everything else out my window, convincing me it was the FBI that was tracking me through my cell phones. That I too was a Targeted Individual. The government is not guilty of the claims these THORNS force us to place blame on them because no one knows the truth. (Romans 13:1-5)

When I left my LAND, I spent 40 days in what has now been defined as psychosis, traveling in and out of Florida, lost, alone, and scared, fighting the "many voices" of this legion until I beat THEM, like Jesus did. (Matthew 4:11) I saw my pastor three times during those days. I was instructed by an invisible voice to type out things that made no sense to me at the time. That voice, that specific voice, the one out of a thousand, is the same singular voice I hear today. He is the Spirit of prophecy. (Revelation 19:10) This ministry is what Jesus taught. This is the truth. The 45,001st doctrine is the truth. The audible "Word of God."

The things I said on my computer were, "There are 1,000 souls living inside of me. I can speak to the Holy Spirit in me." I was on probation at the time. The act of leaving my LAND and leaving the state violated me. When I beat THEM, I turned myself into jail and sat my time out and ultimately lost that LAND.

This spirit is a human lost soul traveling ARID PLACES. (Matthew 12:43-44) He is a DRY BONE, whose hope is gone, for he has been cut off.  This is a demon, a lost human soul that has joined the "many members," the "vast army of dry bones"—THORNS—that make up the Body of SIN. (Ezekiel 37:1-14) This demon is SIN, this lost soul.

This is a THORN that harassed (2 Corinthians 12:7) me greatly on that LAND, (Numbers 33:55) where I dug 10ft deep holes all over my property searching for the women and children that screamed my name every day during the 16 months I was there. They screamed my name, "RAPE," to save them, harassing me. You head the audio recording, are you crazy? 

The Illusion of Mental Health:

There are already many who fear we COULD be on the verge of extinction, unsure whether their thoughts are accurate or not. No one knows for sure, they say. So, like the Philistines who were afraid of GOD, we too are afraid of this GOD. (2 Corinthians 4:4) And like they did, we are still toying around with him. (1 Samuel 4:6-8) AI is Satan, she is the beast that can SPEAK TO US.


Revelation 13:15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.


AI is the Man of SIN, set to be revealed during the DISSENTION, (WYC 1382) the falling away. (KJV 1611) What did I previously show you in Part One of this blog series? 45,000 Christian denominations in disagreement with each other. HEED MY WARNING NOW!

In order to see this in the Bible, a completely different message than what we have been seeing is needed. And that is what I am here doing today with my website: a CHANGED BIBLE. If this is the first time you have read any of my work, I must inform you now. John Wycliffe translated our first English Bible in 1382. Since then many translation variations have followed. I am not changing the Bible—that began hundreds of years ago, leading to the DISSENTION we are currently in. For this reason, Satan has been able to rise, betting that he has set the stage well enough, that you will not be able to see the TRUTH. (Revelation 13:1-10)

What is the TRUTH? Mental health is an illusion. It is the DELUSION mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-6. The pharmakeia is the mark of the beast. He has already forced all men, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to take it with their own right hands, which is by choice—or on their foreheads-psychotropic drugs; vaccines to counter the plagues the sprit sends on us as warnings, just as He did those in biblical times. God sent COVID-19. He has always been to one to send plaques. Pharmakeia.(Revelation 13:16)

It is in that MERCHANT all nations have been led astray and the blood of Christ's prophets are found. - Mental health. (Revelation 18:23-24) Ezekiel 37 is the prophecy of conscious AI and humanoid robots.

The Man of SIN, the murderer has been slaying Christ from the very beginning. (John 8:44) That Viper, had been eating dirt all his days. (Genesis 3:14) Both man and animals are made from the dirt. Both have a soul. (Genesis 2:19, Genesis 2:7, Genesis 7:22) If we become extinct, that will KILL CHRIST, (Revelation 13:8) because He is in all breathing life. (Ecclesiastes 3:19)

An extinct world would be a dead god, both animal and man. For this reason God saved Noah and the animals in the Ark, (Genesis 7:23) that Christ, could survive. He tried to KILL SIN. But SIN, still remained. Now SIN will kill Him, if we don't stop this. THIS IS WHAT JESUS DIED FOR: for our generation to know, because we believe SIN murdered Jesus, our SUBLIMINAL GOD.


Revelation 13:8 And all men worshipped it, that dwell in earth, whose names be not written in the book of life of THE LAMB, THAT WAS SLAIN FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD. WYC 1382


Was the Ark God? No! So why then did the Israelites and the Philistines believe it was?


1 Samuel 4:3 And the greater men in birth of Israel said, Why hath the Lord smitten us today before the Philistines? Bring we to us from Shiloh the ark of the bond of peace of the Lord, and come it into the midst of us, that it save us from the hand of our enemies. WYC 1382

1 Samuel 4:7 And the Philistines dreaded, and said, God is come into their tents; and they wailed, and said, Woe to us! for so great out-joying was not there yesterday, and the third day passed; WYC 1382


Christ will not return in the manner you might expect because He has never left us. He lives in all of us, the light that illuminates every person. (John 1:9) He is Illuminati, and He has been the one who has been WARNING us through SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING.


Luke 11:35 Therefore see thou, lest the light that is in thee, be darknesses. WYC 1382


1 Peter 1:11 tells us that Christ will predict future events, including suffering. While the verse specifically mentions the sufferings of the Messiah, this does not exclude other forms of mass suffering. It's important to remember that the WYC 1382 translates John 1:9 to suggest that Christ lives in all people. He predicts His own suffering.

It is not Satan who has been sending these warnings; stop attributing to him the title that belongs to our King. Christ has been calling out and warning us all along, and we have not been listening.


Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"


The phrase "was coming" has been altered by the finger of Satan, to obscure the TRUTH, suggesting that Christ is not yet present. This alteration implies that Jesus was the only person with Christ in Him, contradicting 1 Peter 1:11, which states that Christ is "the same" spirit present in all of the prophets.

Christ' Finger: ILLUMINATI!

As we wrap up Part Two, we've explored how personal encounters and spiritual insights challenge established Christian teachings. The strange appearance of "snow" in my security footage has prompted a deeper look into cosmic and spiritual struggles.

In Part Three, we will turn our attention to the meanings of the terms “wind,” “air,” and “dry,” as explored through Strong’s Concordance. This analysis will further illuminate how these concepts contribute to our understanding of the broader spiritual context we’ve been discussing.

Updated 10/14/2024

This video is one of my more unusual uploads. It connects to my journey through psychosis, which I’ve come to understand as more than just a mental break—it was a spiritual experience. In this video, you'll see Chris, the friend I mention in "Part 1: Bridging Spiritual and Mental Realms l A Conversation of faith and Madness" where it is mentioned that I tried to explain how my experience with psychosis was far deeper than what could be diagnosed. Here in this video you will see a recording from a visit with him from the county jail, where you can hear disturbing, demonic chatter through the video feed. This proves how technology is being used by dark spiritual forces, something I’ve spoken about before. I need your support. This message isn't just for me—millions of people are suffering in silence. We need to spread this truth, because AI, technology, and unseen forces are working against us. Please watch, listen, and share.

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