The Ophanim, also known as the "wheels" or "ophanim" (singular: "ophan"), are thought to be enigmatic celestial beings that are mentioned in the Bible. These beings are described as a type of angelic being with a complex and mysterious appearance, often depicted as wheels within wheels covered in eyes. (The All-seeing Eye - ILLUMINATI) Their name, "Ophanim," comes from the Hebrew word meaning "wheels" or "whirling wheels," emphasizing their unusual and dynamic nature. In religious and mystical traditions, the Ophanim are considered among the highest orders of angels, playing significant roles in the cosmic order and divine hierarchy.
1 Corinthians 6:3 Know ye not, that we shall deem angels? how much more worldly things?
However, in the book of Ezekiel we don't see them acting on their own. (Ezekiel 1:20) Their depiction and significance have intrigued theologians, scholars, and mystics for centuries, offering a glimpse into the complexities of spiritual realms.

A Breakdown of Ezekiel's Vision:
Wheels are mentioned multiple times in the Old Testament and Ophanim can refer to conventional wheels on a cart or chariot, just like the chariot in the image provided. An image of the Spirit of God sitting on His throne, depicted as a chariot in Ezekiel's vision. They are also mentioned in the book of Enoch along with other angles as "Thrones". These "Throne Angles" are the carriers of God's chariot, His throne. This is important information to know because there is a misconception to "WHO" these "Throne Angles" are. "WHO" these wheels are. The Ophanim.
“I saw there a very great light, and fiery troops of great archangels, incorporeal forces, and dominions, orders and governments, Cherubim and seraphim, thrones and many-eyed ones, nine regiments, the Ioanit stations of light, and I became afraid and began to tremble with great terror, and those men took me, and led me after them, and said to me: Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, and showed me the Lord from afar, sitting on His very high throne.”
There was a very light, which lighteneth each man that cometh into this world
Let's first gather a brief summary of Ezekiel's vision. During Nebuchadnezzar's conquest in 597 BC, Ezekiel was one of 10,000 prisoners taken captive from Jerusalem, and he prophesied in Babylon to the exiles. (Ezekiel 1:1) Ezekiel's vision includes seeing the Ophanim. The description of Ezekiel's inaugural vision has been one of the Old Testament's most challenging passages to translate. It has often been described as the Old Testament book of Revelation. So, describing the Ophanim depicted in Ezekiel's vision without considering the entirety of the revelation is challenging. This is a revelation, I myself have been granted from the Lord. So, I understand how important it is that we get this right.
When God chose to reveal the heavens before Ezekiel's mortal eyes, it marked the beginning of God revealing revelations to him. Ezekiel first tells where he was when he saw the vision and said that the Glory of the Spirit of God could be seen in all that was taking place. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Ezekiel chapter 1:1-4: WYC 1382
And it was done, in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, when I was in the midst of captives, beside the flood Chebar, heavens were opened, and I saw the revelations of God. In the fifth day of the month, that is the fifth year of [the] passing over of Jehoiachin, king of Judah; the word of the Lord was made to Ezekiel, priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of Chaldees, beside the flood Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was made there on him. And I saw, and lo! a whirlwind came from the north, and a great cloud, and fire wrapping in, and brightness in the compass thereof; and as the likeness of electrum - gold and silver - ELECTRICITY! - from the midst thereof, that is, from the midst of the fire.
(I want you to take note that the passage says, "THE WORD OF THR LORD WAS MADE TO EZEKIEL." - A recurring theme in my ministry.)
Ezekiel tried to put into words something that couldn't be explained clearly. He used similes to describe it, comparing it to other things to give an idea of what it was like. Ezekiel observes what appears to be a fearsome cloud of lightning and fire moving in from the north. Four luminous entities are hidden within the cloud, each emitting a brilliant light. This light is what I have called a GLORY LIGHT, throughout my ministry.
These beings appear like humans, only with a combination of animal as well. Each one possessing four different faces: one human face, one lion face, one ox face, and one eagle face. (Ezekiel 1:10) The prophet doesn't record these creatures by name in Ezekiel 1 where the recounting of his vision begins. But by chapter 10, they're identified as Cherubim. (Ezekiel 10:1) After seeing the Cherubim, Ezekiel then sees the chariot wheels, the Ophanim. These wheels are described as resembling a gyroscope. A wheel within a wheel. (Ezekiel 1:16) Ezekiel was describing a wheel that could move in any direction without making a turn.
Ezekiel 1:5-14 WYC 1382
And of the midst thereof was a likeness of four beasts. And this was the beholding of those, the likeness of a man in those. And four faces were to one, and four wings were to one. And the feet of those were straight feet, and the sole of the foot of those was as the sole of a foot of a calf, and sparkles, as the beholding of boiling brass. And the hands of a man were under the wings of those, in four parts; and those had faces and wings by four parts; and the wings of those were joined together of one to another. They turned not again, when they went, but each went before his face. Forsooth the likeness of the face of those was the face of a man, and the face of a lion, at the right half of those four. Forsooth the face of an ox was at the left half of those four; and the face of an eagle was above those four. And the faces of those and (the) wings of those were stretched forth above. Two wings of each were joined together, and twain covered the bodies of those. And each of those went before his face. Where (ever) the fierceness of the wind was, thither those went, and turned not again, when they went. And the likeness of the beasts, and the beholding of them, was as of burning coals of fire, and as the beholding of lamps. This was the sight running about in the midst of [the] beasts, the shining of fire, and the lightning going out of the fire. And the beasts went, and turned again, at the likeness of lightning shining.
Ezekeil describes two types of light, burning coals or the shining of fire. And the second light, a lamp or lightening shining.
Ezekiel 1:15-21: WYC 1382
And when I beheld the beasts, one wheel appeared on the ground, beside the beasts having four faces, And the beholding of the wheels and the work of those was as the sight of the sea; and one likeness was of those four; and the beholding and the works of those, as if a wheel be in the midst of a wheel. Those going went by four parts of those, and turned not again, when those went. Also stature, and highness, and horrible beholding was to the wheels; and all the body (of them) was full of eyes in the compass of those four. And when the beasts went, the wheels also went together beside those. And when the beasts were raised [up] from the earth, the wheels also were raised [up] together. Whither ever the spirit went, when the spirit went thither, also the wheels following it were raised [up] together (with them); for why the spirit of life was in the wheels. Those went with the beasts going, and those stood with the beasts standing. And with the beasts raised (up) from [the] earth, also the wheels following those beasts were raised together; for the spirit of life was in the wheels.
Ezekiel explains the constant interaction between the wheels, cherubim and the Spirit of the Lord sitting on His throne. He expresses the lack of control these "Throne Angles" have on their own, describing the cherubim and Spirit as the drivers of this chariot. He does his best to describe what he sees by using a repeating method of vocabulary. I want you to pay attention to placement of the three types of entities.
1- Ophanim
2- Cherubim
3- Spirit of Life
And when the beasts (2) went, the wheels (1) also went together beside those. (2) And when the beasts (2) were raised [up] from the earth, the wheels (1) also were raised [up] together. Whither ever the spirit (3) went, when the spirit (3) went thither, also the wheels (1) following it were raised [up] together (with them); (2-3) for why the spirit of life (3) was in the wheels. (1) Those (1) went with the beasts (2) going, and those stood with the beasts (2) standing. And with the beasts (2) raised (up) from [the] earth, also the wheels (1) following those beasts (2) were raised together; for the spirit of life (3) was in the wheels.
What Ezekiel saw or described in this passage has been difficult for us to visualize. It has been assumed; this is an image of a magnificent chariot with four wheels that "brings" the throne of God. However, the assumption is not completely accurate. What is accurate though is everything in this image, including the living beings and God's throne, appears to be in constant motion and activity.
Ezekiel was meant to understand that God's chariot or chariot throne was on the move. That it was in motion and in these passages, the throne of God is set on wheels, The Ophanim, and then by the instruction of the Spirit sitting on the throne, the wheels follow the four creatures. However, we cannot misinterpret this. These wheels do not have control, even while they are following the creatures. This is a sign of both submission and control.
Whither ever the spirit (3) went, when the spirit (3) went thither, also the wheels (1) following it - The wheels follow the Spirit.
And with the beasts (2) raised (up) from [the] earth, also the wheels (1) following those beasts (2) were raised together - The wheels follow the Beast.
For the spirit of life (3) was in the wheels. - Spirit is inside the wheel. How then can they follow the Spirit?
God consistently provided Ezekiel with unusual visions that drove him to speak in unusual ways, things that are hard for anyone to describe, from hands and scrolls descending from heaven to four abominations committed in the temple, to vines, eagles, lions, dry bones and fires. Ezekiel trafficked in strange but memorable pictures. The message was clear. Though His people were in exile and their nation was about to be destroyed, God was still on the throne. This is fitting to my analogy of a vulnerable God.
What Is This Vision?
This vision shown to Eziekiel is the Kingdom of God. He describes God as being active while sitting on His throne. His throne is inside of the Temple, and we are the Temples of God. (1 Corinthians 3:16) I understand this vision. Still, I too struggle as Ezekiel did to CLEARLY break it down for you. Plus, I have to be able to confirm it with scripture or many will not hear me when I say, "I am the prophet chosen to deliver a message." Many are too afraid to listen to anything that is not already in their false doctrines, with the belief that everyone else's doctrine is false, not theirs. Stubborn Christians.
To just plainly state it:
Christ is the Spirit, "The Many Members" (1 Corinthians 12:12) are the beast, and we humans are the wheel.
Christ has a body of "Many Members" inside of His kingdom. These "Many Members" make up Christ, and since we are the wheels, we are His throne, and He is the light that lighteth each and every human and animal that breathes air. (John 1:9) That is why the beast have the 4 faces. The animals join His kingdom too.
This is a hard one to prove in a short blog. So, I ask you to continue to study from this website to get the full understanding of the message I am to deliver. A message PROVING A CHANGED BIBLE. Changed from the first English translation, translated in 1382 by John Wycliff. The WYC version.
God put a living soul in each animal just as he put a living soul in each human, (Genesis 1:21-25 WYC 1382) Our newer text does not tell us this. (Genesis 1:21-25 NIV 2011) And that is why we haven't understood these things. We are not looking at the ORIGINAL translation. We are trusting man. Man, that progressively grew more and more divided over the years. Causing THE DISSENTION. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) A disagreement that has led to discord.
We are told Christ is the Spirit of life. (John 1:4) The Spirit of life was inside the wheel. And we are told that He is the light that lighteth each man as he comes into this world. (John 1:9) This spirit of life-giving light inside the wheels. (Ezekiel 1:13)
Ezekiel 1:22-28: WYC 1382
And the likeness of the firmament was above the head[s] of the beasts, and as the beholding of horrible crystal, and stretched abroad on the heads of those beasts above. Forsooth under the firmament the wings of those beasts were straight (out), of one to another; each beast covered his body with two wings, and another was covered in like manner. And I heard the sound of wings, as the sound of many waters, as the sound of (the) high God. When those went, there was as a sound of (a) multitude, as the sound of hosts of battle; and when those stood, the wings of those were let down. For why when a voice was made on the firmament, that was on the head[s] of those, those stood, and let down their wings. And on the firmament, that was above the head(s) of those, was as the beholding of a sapphire stone, (in) the likeness of a throne; and on the likeness of the throne was a likeness, as the beholding of a man above. And I saw as a likeness of electrum, as the beholding of fire within, by the compass thereof; from the loins of him and above, and from the loins of him till to beneath, I saw as the likeness of fire, shining in compass, as the beholding of the rainbow, when it is in the cloud in the day of rain. This was the beholding of shining by compass. This was a sight of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And I saw, and I fell down on my face; and I heard the voice of a speaker.
Ezekeil describes the chariots frame as the likeness of glass or sapphire stone. (Ezekiel 1:26) Above the glass he describes the Spirit of life sitting on His throne with a bright light beaming all around Him, calling this description "The Glory of the Lord." (Ezekiel 1:26-28) The same Glory 1 Samuel describes sitting on top of The Ark, between the two cherubim/beast, calling Him the Lord of host. (1 Samuel 4:4) The Glory that had been captured. (1 Samuel 4:22)
He also describes a sound of "many waters" coming from wings as the sound of the "HIGH GOD" as well as describing the same sound as a "host of battle." (Ezekiel 1:24) (MANY MEMBERS) As, I said this is difficult to describe and Ezekiel did his best doing so. But how can this sound of "many waters" be both the sound of the "High God" and the sound of the "host of battle"? How can one sound be ALL THREE? - THE LORD OF HOST
The host are the "MANY MEMBERS" that make up His body. We can understand this by looking at the story of Egypt when God said, "Let my son go." (Exodus 4:23) He also said, "Let my people go." (Exodus 9:1) Collectively the people made up a body. This same thing applies in the spiritual realm. These host of winged beast known as cherubim are a collective group that make up His body. (1 Corinthians 12:12)
Also, Ezekiel describes the chariot frame as being "ABOVE" the heads of the beast as well as describing it stretched out "ON" the heads of the beast. How can it be both? This is where my recurring ministry theme of schizophrenia sets in. Because he tells us that the voice was on the heads of the beast.
This entire vision is one of the hardest visions to dissect in scripture. But ultimately Christ is a Spirit made up of "MANY HUMAN AND ANIMAL MEMBERS." Mammals that breath air. He is the Breath of life, the Spirit of Life. He breathed life into man giving him a soul. The same was done for the animals: He breathed life into them, giving them a soul. (Genesis 2:7, Genesis 1:21-25) These "Many Members" have died and joined His Kingdom, which is His body. And that Kingdom lives with the Tabernacle of our human flesh, (Luke 17:21) we are the wheels to which He drives. He is the Glory Light I speak of often, that lighteth each man that cones into this world. (John 1:9) The light shing like lightening. This is what is seen on The Mount of Transfiguration: A Glory light, with the MEMBERS of Moses and Elijah, inside of Jesus flesh. - The wheel.(Matthew 17:1-3)
If you can grasp this imagery, then you are ready to grasp stage two of the description: "THE SECOND LIGHT" - The light of "burning coals" or "shining fire." Remember the beast were also in the likeness of burning coal? (Ezekiel 1:13) If these beast of burning coals also make up a body, a Spirit on a throne, could it be Christ? How can a LAMP like LIGHTENING SHINING also be BURNING COALS? He's not. This is a depiction of The Man of Sin sitting in the Temple of God which is also a recurring theme in my ministry. And remember the Temple is the wheel. The wheel is the throne. And he is sitting on Gods throne.
2 Thessalonians 2:4 that is adversary, and is enhanced over [upon] all thing that is said God, or that is worshipped, so that he sit in the temple of God, and show himself as if he were Go
I can only hope I did well enough on this one that you can understand it. Or at least enough to hook you in to further investigate my claims throughout my ministry. I want to thank you for reading this blog and supporting this cause.
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