Genesis 49:1 And Jacob called his sons, and said to them, Gather ye yourselves together, that I tell to you those things that shall come to you in the last days.
We are in the last days, and that is why we are witnessing these events unfold. Jacob's prophecy was not just for his sons, but for us today, revealing the spiritual battles and deceptions that are taking place before our eyes.
Genesis 49:17 Dan be made a serpent in the way, and (a) cerastes, that is, an horned adder, in the path, and bite he the feet of an horse, that the rider of him fall backward;
This post won't follow a typical layout. My intent is to reveal something important. Many may try to rebuke me, but I’ve come to understand that Christ communicates with us in this way. His hand is still very active in our world, though millions remain blind to His subliminal language.
Let’s look at the viper. I insist that pharmaceuticals are the mark of the beast. Pharmaceuticals lead directly to Elon Musk's chip, as the chip is ultimately part of the medical field. The image of the medical staff is actually an Egyptian seraphim. Now, scripture tells us that all people are forced to take the mark on their right hand, which involves a choice. Who hasn’t taken some form of medication? A Tylenol or children’s aspirin, for instance. We've all taken vaccines that counteract plaques, while the Spirit is the one who sent each plaque in scripture. We are fighting against Him when we do this. It is not our place to decide when the Spirit will take us out of this world. Plaques are from Christ, often as WARNINGS FOR OUR SINS. Cancers from weed killers and nicotine are from the Viper. Every single person walking the earth has been deceived into taking medicine, with their RIGHT HAND. You chose to take that pill.
Revelation 13:16-17 And he shall make all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and bondmen, to have a character, either mark, in their right hand, either in their foreheads; that no man may buy, either sell, but they have the character, either the name of the beast, either the number of his name.
Now, the mark "on their foreheads" represents psychotropic drugs. If you've been following my work, you'll see that I can prove that individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia are actually prophets. It is through the merchants of "pharmakeia" that the blood of the prophets is found, and all people are deceived by it. Medicine is the "mark of the beast." Medicine in general.
Rev 18:23-24 and the light of [the] lantern shall no more shine in thee, and the voice of the husband and of the wife shall no more be heard in thee; for thy merchants were princes of the earth. For in thy witchcrafts G5331 all folks erred. And the blood of prophets and of saints is found in it, and of all men that be slain in earth.
The word witchcrafts G5331 is pharmakeia and it is a form of the Greek root word from which we get our English words: Pharmacy, Pharmacist, and Pharmaceutical.
What I want you to see is how DAN is AI, and it is the beast. Christ does work like this. This is how He speaks to us through subliminal messaging. In this video you will see DAN as AI and his capabilities.
It’s no coincidence that two new viper species have recently been discovered in Asia. As I’ve stated before, it wasn’t China that was impacted by COVID-19 FIRST—it was Asia as a whole, the powerhouse of robotics innovation. Read my post [HERE], and don’t forget to check out the article linked in EurekAlert’s report. This discovery is more than it seems—it’s subliminal messaging, and it’s how Christ speaks to us.
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