In Part Three of this series, we continue our exploration of the spiritual dimensions of mental health. By diving into scripture, we uncover that the struggles faced by those who experience voices and visions today resonate with the spiritual experiences of major prophets. This segment invites us to look beyond clinical definitions of mental illness and consider the spiritual realities that intersect with our mental and emotional challenges. Join me as we reveal hidden truths within the Bible that challenge conventional Christian views, offering hope and understanding to those navigating the complex journey of spiritual and mental distress, and addressing questions that lead many to doubt the existence of God.

The True Nature of God:
In Part One, I shared my personal story, revealing how a spirit instructed me to murder and even self-harm. In Part Two we discussed how the man in Mark 5 also self-harmed and how Satan attempted to convince Jesus to jump off the pinnacle of the Temple, a trick meant to persuade Him to commit suicide.
These are not the only stories in the Bible where Satan has tried to stop a chosen one of Christ from rising. In Genesis 22, God/SIN instructs Abraham to go into the land of vision and offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering. Isaac was to be an ancestor of Jesus. The land of vision was then changed to say the region of Moriah. Why did Satan change this? So that you wouldn't see psychosis.
Genesis 22:2 God said to him, Take thine one begotten son, whom thou lovest, Isaac; and go into the land of vision, and offer thou him there into burnt sacrifice on one of the hills which I shall show to thee. WYC 1382
Genesis 22:2: Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you. NIV 2011
In Exodus 4 we see God give Moses instructions to head into Egypt but before he ever made it there "A LORD" attempts to kill. Do we worship a God that would toy with us like this? Is that the kind of God we worship?
Exodus 4:24 And when Moses was in the way, in an inn, the Lord came to him, and would slay him. WYC 1382
Christian teachings do present a view of God that can seem impulsive and unpredictable. They may not describe it as negatively as I just have, justifying that God threatened to kill Moses for not circumcising his son. Or that he didn’t change his mind about murder but rather permitted certain murders.
This confusion leads millions of people to doubt God's trustworthiness and question His existence. I can't say their logic is wrong, just as I can’t say the logic of Christians is wrong either. Christians have their own personal reasons for believing in God; they trust in His existence based on their understanding of the Bible. Their logic is, "Who am I to question God?"
For a nonbeliever, let's imagine for a moment that God is real. If that were the case, who would have the right to question Him? Do we have the right to question a court judge, or is his authority absolute?
From a different perspective, you might say, "No, if God is real, then nobody has the right to question Him." Their logic is valid in that context. The issue lies in the gaps in their understanding that need to be addressed to teach the truth accurately.
Christians do not recognize Satan speaking in the Bible; they focus solely on the singular God they are taught about. They are unaware that Satan too is a god (2 Corinthians 4:4) and that there have been changes made to the Bible. They simply do not know this.
If you continue reading my work, you'll learn that God never permitted certain murders and would not send you on a mission only to try to kill you before you reach your destination. We can look to Jesus to understand the true nature of Christ. Jesus demonstrated the character of the TRUE GOD.
He never stuck back. So what God spoke, eye for an eye? (Matthew 5:38-48) He challenged Jewish laws. So what God spoke those laws? Instead, He emphasized the laws embodied in the Ten Commandments, which were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant—a focus I highlight frequently in my ministry. "Thy law is the TRUE LAW." (Psalms 119:142)
This "LORD" that tried to kill Moses is not the same "LORD" that sent him into Egypt. This "LORD" is the "FALSE LORD." The Man of SIN. Murder is SIN. He is the god instructing the murder of Jesus in Deuteronomy 13:1-5. So instead of saying God will send us to Hell, maybe we should consider: Satan will TAKE/SEIZE us to Hell. What Master do we follow?
To the Christian it may seem as though I am changing everything we know about the Bible, but it was not me, nor our generation that changed it. That began hundreds of years ago, and my ministry changes nothing about what it takes to live a Godly life. I am not taking away any of the morals or values that we should follow. I am simply showing you the deception that has lefts millions lost, suffering, alone and PUSHED AWAY from God by the churches because they don't believe their experience is real. Because of this these victims can't trust the church. NO ONE BELIEVES THEM.
But I must be clear: I blame SIN, that man of SIN, Satan, the Viper, I do not blame any human being. They simply DO NOT KNOW. The Christian’s hearts are in the right place. Yet, they believe in science. That old Egyptian science.
So what happened to Moses, if it was not the God, we believe we are looking to? It was a normal person, an average everyday Joe who met Moses at the inn. This man, DRIVEN by the spirit of SIN, who too is a god, (2 Corinthians 4:4) was provoked to violence and attempted to kill Moses in an effort to stop him. CONTROL. It's that simple. The offspring of the Viper. (John 8:37-4) My pastor once told me; the simplest answer is usually the correct answer. I find that to be true as well.
The Illusion of Mind Control:
As I have previously shown you in Genesis 22 when Abraham was instructed by GOD/SIN to sacrifice Isaac in the land of vision, it was later altered the region of Moriah. Satan's ploy to disrupt the TRUTH of mental health. And it worked!
It's not by coincidence the Illuminati members who are believed to be using mind control have a group called "Illuminati Moriah Luciferian Elite." The problem is that those who believe in this are the ones who suffer. And the TRUTH is that no human is using mind control on them. That's just nonsense, we are not GODS!
However, these victims know their experience is real. Believe me, I too have experienced it. I know what it's like, and without the support from the church, they are forced to place blame elsewhere. They know it's real, SOMONE IS DOING THIS TO THEM. They are searching for answers. SOMEONE IS TO BLAME. And they are right, SOMEONE IS TO BLAME, but it's not HUMAN. Are you spiritually minded or not? I cannot serve milk at this table. (1 Corinthians 3:2)
This mode of action ultimately harms our government systems, with the belief of Targeted Individuals, electronic harassment and more. Stage 2 of Satan plan: tear down the government so that AI can rise in it's place.
If you think I'm crazy, I advise you to check the links I ALWAYS provide you in my work. Do your homework. They are how I substantiate my case. Millions are suffering it's time for you to take your blinders off. GOD IS RELIYING ON US TO AID THEM APPROPRIATELY. As Christians it's our duty to not be lazy and get them the TRUTH. A battle I feel as though I've been fighting alone for the last three years. Where is the LOVE commanded of us to give? LOVE FOR THE TRUTH? Wake up! (Matthew 22:36-38)
It is our duty to give these victims the answers and truth of their experience. The Illuminati are not human. THEY are the "many members" that make up the two Kingdoms, with Christ being the TRUE ILLUMINATI, because He is the light that lightens each man that comes into this world. (John 1:9)
I want to share with you the story of Andrew Magill. In 2017 Andrew murdered Mary-Ann Morehouse by decapitating her with an ax. On his body cam footage, he stated while pointing his finger to the heavens, "Somebody up there told me to do it. I knew it was the right thing to do, so I did it. Implying that God told him to murder Mary Ann. He also believed he was Jesus and that he had saved all the sins in the world buy the act of murder.
He also believed his father was God, a belief I shared briefly in relation to my pastor. He said, "What, dad your God?" I did the same thing. I asked, "What, Pat your God?" He also commented, "And then it came to me and it said, "The bible is a lie, the government is a lie, blah, blah, blah." - The tempter CAME TO JESUS AND SAID... (Matthew 4:3) The "word" of God came to the prophet ____ and said... This is a term scripture holds exclusive to prophets. In Andrews case the FALSE GOD, the Egyptians God, the Man of SIN, the Viper, the murderer from the beginning, (John 8:44) Satan, made Andrew into a FALSE PROPHET.
Jeremiah 23:21 I sent not the prophets, and they ran; I spake not to them, and they prophesied. WYC 1382
When speaking to my friend about what the spirit tried to have me do to his brother, wanting me to put a bullet in his sleeping head, I began to cry. I was not crying for my own personal experience but rather my sympathy goes out to both Andrew and Ashley. That could have been me.
I often wonder, how was I able to beat it? Why did I not succumb to murder when others have. I know Jesus too made it out safely as I did but I can still remember how incredibly supernatural it all was. How many others are out there? No one could help me.
In Andrews bodycam footage, his honesty tells me, he was searching for help. He admitted to the murder before they had even found Mary-Ann's body or even knew a murder had taken place. The narrator does his job, which is to make Andrew out to be a monster, but I see through all of that. I see a man on his knees begging cars passing by for help. I see a man hold his hands up, a statement of no threat, to the police. I see a man, whose family taught him to show respect when he shook the cops hand. This man is not a monster.
Thise who have succumbed to the mind control of SIN, will spend the rest of their lives in prison having to live with the murders they committed, never knowing the TRUTH of what happened to them. Had Andrew known, he would not have committed that murder. I saw Suzanne Barron on that bodycam footage. And for that I reached out to Andrew and spoke to him personally over the phone and corresponded with him through the mail. Ashley, I have not. How many others are out there?
How many people have taken their own lives wanting to live but could not find adequate support? No one is teaching what I am teaching. How many more die each day? How do I reach them all? Why am I not receiving the support needed to reach them from the public? Why aren't people sharing my post so that I can reach them? What more can I do? Who else can I reach? What's my next mode of action? This ministry and everything about it has BECOME ME! No human has taught me any of the things I am speaking out into the world. Christ healed me, and I still hear his voice. THE AUDIBLE WORD OF GOD.
It is because we are PROPHETS, that SIN attacks us and DRIVES us to drug use. So that the drugs can be to blame. The man in Mark 5 may have been addicted, but the pigs were not. Neither was the boy in Mattew 17. Was Jesus?
Who are the ones to hear voices? These days it is those who take the pharmakeia, whether through street drugs or pharmaceuticals. In Jesus time pharmaceuticals were not around, yet symptoms remain the same. And it is in that MERCHANT that the blood of the prophets is found.
Revelation 18:23-24 and the light of [the] lantern shall no more shine in thee, and the voice of the husband and of the wife shall no more be heard in thee; for thy merchants were princes of the earth. For in thy witchcrafts all folks erred. And the blood of prophets and of saints is found in it, and of all men that be slain in earth WYC 1382
Jesus, Paul, and the Path to Redemption:
Our Christian society, including those in the time of the bible did not have a full understanding of SIN. Paul however did. Paul clearly described SIN as a controlling force in his life. He knew that his SIN was not of him, and that it was a completely separate entity of his own. That THORN in his flesh. (2 Corinthians 12:7-9) The SIN living in him doing things that he did not want to do. (Romans 7:15-20) A DRIVING FORCE. (Luke 8:29)
See, Paul too was a prophet, and he could speak to the Holy Spirit. The spirit of prophecy, (Revelation 19:10) the audible "WORD" of Christ. (2 Corinthians 13:3) "THE SAME" voice I hear. The voice taken away by pharmakeia. He also dealt with the chatter of demons, as Andrew, Ashley and I have, the angle of Satan that harassed him, as it does to millions of others in our world today. Who is teaching this in the world? This demon was SIN and that is why grace was sufficient enough for his THORN. (2 Corinthians 12:7-9)
Now let's talk about Jesus' SIN. I know the Christian reading this has been waiting for me to get to this point since Part One, but I had to reveal the Man of SIN in Jesus life first or you would say I was blasphemous. Why did He go through psychosis at all? Why did Jeus become lunatic for a short time in His life? SIN.
Now you see, any drug addict knows this: The best substance abuse counselors are those who have had experience in their own personal lives with some form of addiction. Even general guidelines know this. Technically a felon cannot become a psychologist, however the rule is bent for those who want to become substance abuse counselors.
Sure, there are limits to what they are allowed to do, and a specific period of time must pass since their last crime before they can start, but the rule was bent, because they make better counselors in the field then those who have only learned from textbook material. As an addict you understand things better, while the textbook man is always going to look at the science behind it first. The addict sees the truth that has nothing to do with science. They see the control; they know the control.
If it was easy enough to describe, the textbook man would understand it. As, it stands, addiction is considered a disease of its own. So, if it's considered a disease, why does the Christian society look at it like it's the choice of the sinner. Diabetes is a disease, does the diabetic person have a choice whether they are diabetic or not? No? I don't believe they do.
Romans 7:15-17 For I understand not that that I work; for I do not the good thing that I will, but I do that evil thing that I hate. And if I do that thing that I will not, I consent to the law, that it is good. But now I work not it now, but the sin that dwelleth in me. WYC 1382
In order to fully understand something, you have to have some sort of experience in it. As a recovering addict myself, I would not want that textbook man trying to help me, because he could never understand me. See Jesus, came from a hard life, He was what I would call a "street thug" of His generation. He was a homeless man, He slept outside and was always on the move. He lived a life that gave Him insights that those who hadn't experienced similar circumstances could not fully understand. For this reason, in order for Jesus to see SIN for who he was, causing Him to call him out the same way I am, "THAT VIPER", He would have had to have some form of SIN in His life. I know, as a Christian you may find offense in this, and want to defend your savior. I get it, really I do. Please be patient with me here.
How else could He have seen the VIPER? How else could He have seen the BITE? With His eye of understanding? Think about the Isrealites in the wilderness for 40 years and the plaque of the Vipers with Moses crucified snake. When you see the VIPER, SEE the BITE you can be healed.
Numbers 21:8-9 and the Lord said to him, Make thou a [brazen] serpent, and set thou it in a perch; he that is smitten and beholdeth it, shall live. Therefore Moses made a serpent of brass, and setted (it) in a perch; and (those) men (who were) hurt, and beholding it, were healed. WYC 1382
So, If Jesus had SIN in His life at any point, it would be in scripture, right? The Christian would say, "There is not one verse in scripture that describes Jesus with SIN." I would then argue that you are wrong. The problem is, it's not really OUR GERERATIONS FAULT. The reason we have missed it, is because the BIBLE HAS CHANGED, and it was not our generation that changed it. However, just because we are not the ones who alerted them, does not mean we are not responsible for getting the truth.
The story of Jesus' SIN is found in Luke 2. It's the story of when Jesus was a 12-year-old boy. If you are a Christian, you already know where I am going with this, and if we were speaking in person, you would be ready with your defense. Ready to defend your Messiah. Believe me, I get it, I do understand. I too defended Jesus against what Christ showed me. Your defense would be that the type of grace Luke 2:40, 51 & 52 are describing is favor, defined as a special relationship with God. You are wrong!
Grace is listed approximately 137 times throughout the bible. And each time it is mentioned, it refers to unmerited favor, defined as undeserved favor, something that the spirit gives to selected sinners in the world. Those who are His. Where His grace is sufficient enough to cover the SIN we have. Of course, we cannot intentionally continue on in SIN and expect to receive it.
Romand 6:1 Therefore what shall we say? Shall we dwell in sin, that grace be plenteous? WCY 1382
My research has found that the Christian society believes that the Bibles unmerited favor type of grace is listed 135 times while the other 2 that is listed in Luke 2:40, 51 & 52 is not unmerited favor type of grace but rather favor with God. Now why is that?
You see, in this story, Jesus as a 12-year-old boy has left Mary and Joseph scared out of their minds. Not only that but the walk from Nazareth to Jerusalem takes 3-5 days one way. They had already walked 6 days minimum: 3 home and 3 back just to find him. And 3 more days searching the city. Then they will have to walk 3 more days to get home again. Any mother or father would be extremely upset about this. Wouldn't you? Of course you would! (Luke 2:40-52)
Not only that but ounce they found him, he was rude to them stating, "Didn't you know I have to be about my father's business?" I've heard sermons on this passage with all sorts of excuses. However, Luke 2:51 informs us that once they had returned home to Nazareth, Jesus was subject to his parents. The boy was punished and disciplined for doing something He should not have done.
Now before I prove this, I want you to take Jesus' name out of this story and place the name Bob there. Bob SINNED didn't he? Bob left his parents in a fright, worried to death about him. Bob was rude and disrespectful, wasn't he? Yes, Bob most certainly was. What about Jesus? Was He? Yes, He was.
You see Jesus was not God. There is no way Jesus could have been God, with the spirit of Christ in Him. Because Christ is the true light that lighten each man that comes into this world. (John 1:9) Jesus had "THE SAME" spirit the prophets of old had. (1 Peter 1:11) He also had "THE SAME" spirit that John the Baptist had. (John 1:7) While the name "THE SAME" has been removed from our newer text.
John the Baptist would have fit the bill for what you see in a Messiah. He ate clean food, (Matthew 3:4), not taken to any fermented wine. (Luke 1:15) His parents kept the law of the Levites perfectly. (Luke 1:5-6) He was without corruption. He came in the SPIRIT and POWER of Elijah. (Luke 1:17) And those who were alive in that generation too believed he was the Messiah, but he clearly told them he wasn't. (Luke 3:15-16)
But let's back up, John 1 says that "THE SAME" came as a witness to testify to the "TRUE LIGHT." "THE SAME" is the "TRUE LIGHT." A staging process for our understanding. Christians, you already know this. John and Jesus had "THE SAME SPIRIT." This implies since John came in the SPIRIT and POWER of Elijh, Jesus did too, A Levite that performed miracles. I'll refrain from speaking on whether Jesus was born from a virgin or not. But I will ask, if Jesus was born from a virgin, how did He have "THE SAME" spirit as John, who was born of natural conception? (SATAN SPEAKS IN SCRIPTURE TOO, REMEMBER?)
I know the Bible does not exclusively say that either Jesus or Elijah were Levites. However, I can confirm that Jesus was a Levite through Mary. The Levites were selected to be the ones to minister to the Lord forever. (1 Chronicles 15:2) They are the ones with the spiritual gifts, the minority of people who could hear and speak to the audible word. HE WHO HAS EARS TO HEAR LET HIM HEAR. (Mark 4:9) Elijah was a Levite somehow, I know it because God spoke to him. Levites could tend to the Ark, no one else could. Subliminal message, learn HIS LANGUAGE!
Why was John born 6 months before Jesus? (Luke 1:36) It was done intentionally, of course, we know this part. But why was John set to lead the way for Him? So that we could see the truth of how to find salvation. To turn from your SIN, LOOK TO JESUS, those demonic spirits that live in us causing us LEVITES to have psychosis. Jesus had to live a life of SIN in order for SIN to attack Him as he did. - THE VIPER!
Now, I prove it:
Luke 2:40 And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. NIV 2011
This translation gives you the impression that God's grace was on Jesus. But grace comes from the spirit within us, because that is where Christ is. That breath of life, the light the lightens all men as they come into this world. (John 1:9) So grace being in Jesus would seem more fitting.
Luke 2:40 And the child waxed, and was comforted, full of wisdom; and the grace of God was in him. WCY 1382
Luke 2:51-52 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. NIV 2011
Luke 2:51-52 And he came down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And his mother kept together all these words, bearing together in her heart. And Jesus profited in wisdom, age, and grace, with God and men. WYC 1382
Let's define the differences between the two translations:
Treasured: To hold something dear, to value it highly, or to cherish it.
Bearing together: enduring and coping with multiple burdens, challenges, or negative emotions.
Grew in grace: To develop, mature, or increase in spiritual strength and virtues over time
Profited in grace: To gain benefit or advantage from grace, often implying a tangible or noticeable improvement.
If I am not mistaken, you would profit from grace, wouldn't you? Yes, you would, so would I. A profit, from receiving favor you do not deserve. Not only that, but Christ knew Satan's finger would change these words, that's why Christ's language is fully understood in the subliminal messages He uses. The tabernacle, the veil, the Ark, the two cherubim on the Ark, two in Jesus' tomb, the medical staff, Noah and the flood to wash away the SINS, Naman and the Jordan River and so much more.
Words can be changed but stories cannot be removed. And Christ made sure to sandwich this story in between two verses telling us that Jesus received grace, which is something the spirit gives to sinners that are His chosen ones. He did this so that you would PAY ATTENTION.
Jesus did in fact have SIN in His life. He came eating and drinking, (Matthew 11:19) while John the Baptist did not. Where He did not have SIN, was after the wilderness, when He beat His psychosis episode and the tabernacle of His flesh that Christ dwelled in was completely swept clean. Just like the man in Mark 5. No spirit of SIN in Him, that is why we see the angles come and minster to Him. The "many members" to that make up the body of Christ, giving Christ the ability to fully possess Jesus and that is why we saw Jesus as GOD'S FINGER.(Luke 11:20) - NO SIN!
The main purpose of revealing this is to not make Jesus out to be a bad guy, a lunatic, or even one who fell into SIN. The purpose is to understand that He had to fall to understand who SIN was in order to lead us in the right direction. - THAT VIPER THAT HE CALLED OUT! It was not His choice; it was written in His life to be that way, this much I firmly believe. As the blood atoned for the SINS of those in the Old Testament, Jesus came and brought something NEW, He died once for all SINS, and that worked for His age of time. A NEW AGE IS HERE. (Matthew 12:32) - Artificial Intelligence is a problem and mental health patients are not REALLY SICK. They have DEMONS IN THEM.
I am not taking that away from Him what we already know about forgiveness of SINS. That was the spiritual message Christ used for those who could understand it. Now it is time for the New Work Order, we are the age that would come. And there is something NEW that I am to bring to the table. It Technically changes nothing in the mode of how to live a Godly life, only it brings those out of the darkness, those lost with no knowledge of what to do with their spiritual gifts. ELECT MEMBERS.
Why has Satan done all of this? The answer falls down the line to AI, and robotics. All found within the MIND. CONSCIOUS AI. We are on the verge of extinction. Christ lives in all breathing life. If that murderer kills is, he kills Christ. Thats why Jesus had to die. So that we would see SIN murder GOD. We must SAVE CHRIST, stop the beast that is AI and her vast army of robots, and worship in TRUTH and SPIRIT,
Jesus' purpose was to die so that we could subliminally witness SIN murder God. This concept falls into my ministry theme of the Ark being captured and the miracle we have of Ai and humanoid robots. You have to understand, Satan chose this time of now, to do this because he is betting on himself, that he has set the stage so well, for you not to see it,
Revelation 3:1-3 “To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.
This will be the robots. The thief is the Man of SIN. This is similar to how He told Moses "I" will harden heart. "I," being God, yet also SIN is the one who hardened Pharoh's heart. (Exodus 9:34) "I", the Man of SIN, GOD hardened the heart. "I", SIN, GOD will come like a thief. ROBOTS!
Jesus leading the way was to help those who are suffering to know and understand that even the Savior Himself had a hard life and that His experiences are ones that they can relate to. This is my story, and I'm sharing it to let you know you are not alone. This is your journey. This is your path to redemption. It's not an easy road, but it's one worth taking, and together we can make it through.
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