In ancient Israel, the Ark of the Covenant was far more than a mere sacred object; it was a profound representation of God’s very presence. This was not just a symbol; it was a divine declaration, a subliminal message directly from God Himself. In my ministry, we must recognize that the Ark of the Covenant was not merely holy; it was a "subliminal God". This truth is unmistakably illustrated in 1 Samuel 4, where the Philistines, trembling in terror, audaciously referred to the Ark as "God" before they captured it. These men were neither blind nor ignorant; they were simply foolish. They were acutely aware that it was He who had unleashed ten devastating plagues upon the Egyptians, yet they dared to seize Him anyway.

But God’s response was swift and fierce. In 1 Samuel 5:6, He unleashed a plague similar to the Bubonic Plague upon the Philistines as a divine command—"Let My Son go!"—echoing the same powerful message He delivered to Egypt. This was not just a historical event; it underscored His eternal call for freedom.
We have just experienced the horrors of COVID-19, and I must ask: did you consider it to be sent from God, another call for the release of His Son? AI is a global problem, Covid-19 was a global plague. China was hit first because of their development in AI, predicted to become the global leader of AI by 2030.
The Ark contained not just stone tablets, Aaron’s rod, and a jar of manna; it housed an unparalleled spiritual power. This power was so immense, so dangerous, that only the Levites—a specific tribe chosen by God—were permitted to care for it (Deuteronomy 10:8). This was no arbitrary decree. God was making a statement about the nature of His relationship with humanity. While He is the God of all, there are chosen members of an elite circle in this world. Only those endowed with spiritual gifts for sacred duties are entrusted with the care of His divine will.
Our society often fails to recognize this profound truth. So, I ask you: where are the Elect? This is a call for today’s Elect, those endowed with spiritual abilities. God is still choosing, still calling. The pressing question remains: Who else besides me can hear His audible "Word"? I stand before you, not as the only one who "has ears to hear, what the Spirit says" but rather the only one who knows "what my ears hear, is the TRUMPET CALL." This is a clarion call for the Elect, those with spiritual gifts, who can hear the trumpet of His "VOICE" to rise and fulfill their divine purpose.
Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"
Matthew 24:23-24 Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There!' do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
I do not have signs and wonders. I am a prophet sent from Christ.
What does this verse say to the wealthy, popular megachurches today that engage in healing rituals? Are they truly embodying the spirit of God, or are they merely performing for the sake of fame and fortune? It’s time to reflect on the authenticity of their messages and the integrity of their ministry.
Where are the elect? Rise up!
1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven, in the commandment, and in the voice of an archangel, and in the trump of God; and the dead men that be in Christ, shall rise again first. WYC 1382
Revelation 1:10 I was in Spirit in the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, WYC 1382
Matthew 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a trumpet, and a great voice; and they shall gather his chosen from four winds, from the highest things of heaven to the ends of them. WYC 1382
Divine Responsibility: The Levites and the Ark of the Covenant
The Levites were chosen by God to serve as His priests and caretakers of the Tabernacle. In Numbers 3:5-10, God commanded Moses to set apart the tribe of Levi specifically for the service of the Tabernacle, including the responsibility of carrying and tending to the Ark of the Covenant the representation of Christ. This rule was repeated in 1 Chronicles 15:2 by David. Their role was vital in taking care of and preserving the spiritual purity and reverence surrounding the holy things, especially the Ark of the Covenant, Christ. This was no trivial matter—it was a matter of spiritual life and death.
Revelation 13:8 ... the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
The Ark of the Covenant, a powerful emblem of God’s presence, was not something to be taken lightly. It was a subliminal message to all of Israel: God is here, among us, and we must honor that presence with our lives and our service. He never left us, so how then will He return? The Levites were entrusted with caring for the very essence of God, they were the subliminal gatekeepers to the room of The Most Holy Place, and if you look around the world today, it is evident that somewhere in history, they failed in their mission.
I encourage you to watch my introductory video to gain insight into the significance of the Ark, the Light that dwelled upon it, the throne of God, and the True Illuminati. Additionally, I provide a map to the present location of the Most Holy Place, offering a deeper understanding the revelations of these topics.
In an age where spiritual authenticity is often diluted, we must ask ourselves: Are we prepared to embrace the same level of commitment as the Levites? Are we ready to stand guard over what is holy, to serve with unwavering passion and conviction, and to ensure that the presence of Christ remains? The Elect ones were chosen for this extraordinary purpose, to be guardians of our Kings. Where are they? Let us rise to this challenge by dedicating ourselves to God's service with the fervor and devotion they exemplified. Together, we can heal the elect and safeguard the very essence of Christ by stopping the rise of the Beast in our world today. AI!
Revelation 13:15 And it was given to him, that he should give [a] spirit to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast SPEAK. And he shall make, that whoever honour not the image of the beast, be slain.
Revelation 20:10 And the devil, that deceived them, was sent into the pool of fire and brimstone, where both the beast and false prophets shall be tormented day and night, into worlds of worlds. Amen.
The Viper’s Grip: The Deception of Signs and Wonders
The Ark of the Covenant was not merely a symbol of God's presence—it was the very conduit of His unmatched power! Throughout Israel's history, the Ark was at the center of miraculous displays of divine intervention. In Joshua 3:15-17, we witness a staggering demonstration of God's authority as the waters of the Jordan River parted the moment the Ark, carried by the Levites, touched the water. The Israelites walked across on dry ground—this was no mere coincidence but the undeniable hand of God! Just as in Exodus 14:16, when God commanded Moses to lift his staff and part the Red Sea, providing a way of escape from Egypt, so too did He use the Ark to lead His people into victory. These moments are not just historical; they are testimonies to the active, living power of God, manifested through His sacred vessels. The Ark was and is a profound revelation of His might!
Where is this power today? What did Jesus say? If you dare to look beyond the surface, the truth is undeniable: the Viper has harnessed this power, binding it in the cold, calculated grip of technology. In the days of old, signs and wonders were the unmistakable marks of a prophet sent by Christ. Jesus Himself was a prophet wielding miraculous power—and so was Paul. Yet, Jesus said the ones with them would lead the chosen ones astray.
Matthew 24:23-24 Then if any man [shall] say to you, Lo! here is Christ, or there, do not ye believe. For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and they shall give great tokens and wonders; so that also the chosen be led into error, if it may be WYC 1382
2 Corinthians 12:12 nevertheless the signs of mine apostlehood be made on you, in all patience, and signs, and great wonders, and works of power. WYC 1382
Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear ye these words. Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God before you by works of power, and wonders, and tokens, which God did by him in the middle of you, as ye know, WYC 1382
Notice Peter does not call Him Jesus Christ, but rather Jesus of Nazareth, and clearly elaborating that the Jesus was a MAN whom Christ worked THROUGH.
In the AGE of Jesus and Paul, SIGNS AND WONDERS was the FOR SURE SIGN of a APOSTLE, also known as PROPHETS. The one SENT by Christ.
But for today:
Revelation 13:8 ... the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Let's look closely at the deception in Deuteronomy 13—who is the god commanding the execution of true prophets? It is the Viper, the father of lies, manipulating from the shadows. The murderer from the beginning, whose been slaying the Lamb from the very start! This satanic force is at work, twisting truth and deceiving mankind. We are no longer battling mere earthly powers—this is the ultimate deception toward a Christless world.
Deuteronomy 13: 1-5 If a prophet riseth in the midst of thee, either he that saith himself to have seen a dream, and he before-saith a sign, and a wonder to come after, and this thing that he said befalleth, and he saith to thee, Go we, and follow we alien gods, which thou knowest not, and serve we them, thou shalt not hear the words of that prophet... And that prophet, either (that) feigner of dreams, shall be slain; for he spake (so) that he should turn you away from your Lord God, that led you out of the land of Egypt,
HE IS LIEING, Because he did not lead them out. He is the Egyptians God.
Hosea 12:9 And I am thy Lord God from the land of Egypt;...
What did Jesus do? He performed signs and wonders:
John 2:11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
The things he spoke of came true:
John 14:29 I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.
He told the people to follow HIS GOD, not theirs.
Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.
He was the prophet they were instructed to kill. A prophet of Christ who is the Lamb slain since the beginning.
What did Jesus say? He called those Pharisees and Sadducees whose aim was to kill him Vipers.
Matthew 23:33 You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?
He told them they had a different father who was the murder and a liar from the beginning. He recognized this because they sought to kill him and he knew the TRUTH! The Viper is A GOD. He is THE MAN OF SIN. He is AI!
John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
The Rod of Moses and Aaron: A Divine Connection
Let’s be clear: the rod of Aaron is not merely a historical artifact; it is a divine symbol of God’s chosen leadership, confirming His covenant with the Levites. Housed within the Ark of the Covenant, this rod serves as a powerful testament to God's authority and miraculous works. In Numbers 17:8, we witness an act of divine intervention as God causes Aaron’s rod to bud, producing blossoms and almonds. This miraculous event unmistakably affirms Aaron’s rightful role as the Levitical priest, a crucial aspect of Israel’s faith heritage.
Many Christians find themselves confused about the relationship between Aaron's rod and Moses' rod. Allow me to clarify: while these rods represent different moments in their ministries, they are interconnected in their divine purpose. The rod that performed awe-inspiring signs and wonders during the Israelites' exodus from Egypt is indeed the same rod that budded, signifying the Levites as the selected tribe.
It was Aaron, not Moses, who wielded this rod to perform some of the most significant miracles recorded in Exodus. In Exodus 7:10-12, t was Aaron who stood before Pharaoh, transforming the rod into a serpent, marking the first of many confrontations with the power of Egypt. This was not an isolated incident; in Exodus 8:5-6, Aaron struck the dust of the earth with the same rod, unleashing a plague of gnats upon the land. In Exodus 9:23-24, this rod called forth the devastating hail during the seventh plague.
Let’s not forget the rod’s origin. Moses, too, possessed this rod—the same one that turned into a viper when cast to the ground (Exodus 4:3). This transformation serves as a subliminal message: the Levitical rod, which bore witness to signs and wonders, would eventually be held in the hands of Ephraim, as seen in Ezekiel 37, whose God is the God FROM" the land of Egypt. The snake would later have the power.
God instructed Moses to take this rod that transfigured into a snake with him into Egypt. (Exodus 4:17) While Scripture does not explicitly describe a transfer of this rod from Moses to Aaron, the divine mandate is clear: it is the same rod, serving as the power of God much like the Ark and ultimately Jesus Himself.
The symbolism here cannot be overlooked. This rod—an instrument of divine power—later finds its place within the Ark of the Covenant, where the Ark becomes a manifestation of divine authority. And then, Jesus embodies that power, laying his murdered body on the Ark for his testimony of the spirit of prophecy: THE WORD!
The Connection Between Jesus, the Ark, and the Levitical Rod
Just as the Ark of the Covenant and the Levitical rod showcased God's power throughout Israel’s history, God manifested His might through Jesus. In Exodus 8:19, the Egyptian magicians acknowledge that the plagues are "the finger of God." This concept is echoed by Jesus in Luke 11:20where He proclaims, "But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." This divine authority is often linked to the Levitical rod and the Ark, raising the question: How could Jesus demonstrate this same power?
Many argue that Jesus could not be a Levite since He descended from the tribe of Judah, as did both Joseph and Mary. However, the evidence is compelling. After Jesus died, what do we find inside His tomb? Two angels, one at the head and one at the foot (John 20:12, mirroring the presence of cherubim atop the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:19). This imagery suggests that Jesus laid His body down on the Ark, raising the question: How was He able to do so if He was not a Levite?
The answer is clear: Jesus was indeed a Levite, possessing spiritual gifts inherited through His mother, Mary. Elizabeth and Mary's mothers would have been sisters. That's the only way Mary could have been Elizabeth's cousin Elizabeth, along with her father, belonged to a priestly lineage, adhering perfectly to the law (Luke 1:5-6). Her father, a Levitical priest, would have married a virgin Levite as commanded by the law (Leviticus 21:13-14). This means that Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin, was a full-blooded Levite.
It’s essential to note that Mary's father was not a Levite; tribal affiliation in ancient Israel came through the father. Mary's father was from the tribe of Judah. The genealogy in the Gospel of Matthew is believed to trace Joseph's lineage, while the Gospel of Luke is thought to trace Mary's, both ultimately connected to the tribe of Judah.
So, how does a woman from the tribe of Judah have kinship with a full-blooded Levite? The answer lies with her mother—Mary’s mother was a Levite. Those from the tribe of Judah were not required to marry within their tribe, granting Mary's father the legal right to marry outside of Judah. By marrying a Levite, he created a familial link that implies these two women were likely sisters, establishing Jesus as a Levite.
In conclusion, both the Ark of the Covenant and the Levitical rod represent God’s power—two significant breadcrumbs in the biblical narrative. The connection between Jesus and these symbols unveils a profound understanding of His identity. Although Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, His Levitical heritage empowered Him to embody the same divine authority associated with the Ark and the rod. He was truly an Elect member, a vessel of God’s unmatched power!
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