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Demonic Possession and Mental Health: Rediscovering Forgotten Truths

Throughout history, the line between mental illness and demonic possession has been fiercely debated. Ancient civilizations, including the Neolithic Peruvians and various African and Oceanic tribes, sought to alleviate mental disturbances through trepanation, a surgical procedure that involved drilling holes into the skull. Many believed that by creating these openings, they could release the evil spirits afflicting the individual. This belief persisted for centuries, influencing religious and medical practices alike.

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Deuteronomy 13: The Battle Between Christ and the Viper

This in-depth exploration critically examines Deuteronomy 13, unveiling its profound connection to the spiritual battle between Christ and the Viper. Central to this analysis is the enduring importance of the Ten Commandments, divinely given by the true God and symbolically housed within the Ark of the Covenant. Among these sacred laws stands the unambiguous command: "Thou shalt not murder." (Exodus 20:13) Yet, a striking tension arises when juxtaposing this divine decree with the command in Deuteronomy 13 to kill prophets and followers who lead others astray. This stark contrast demands a deeper inquiry into the identity of the god behind such a directive.

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Matthew 13:36-42 - The Kingdom Within

Matthew 13:36-42 Then he let go the people, and came into an house; and his disciples came to him, and said, Expound to us the parable of the tares of the field. Which answered, and said, He that soweth good seed is man's Son; the field is the world; but the good seed, be sons of the kingdom, but tares, these be evil children; the enemy that soweth them is the fiend; and the ripe corn is the ending of the world, [forsooth] the reapers be angels. Therefore as tares be gathered together, and be burnt in fire, so it shall be in the ending of the world. Man's Son shall send his angels, and they shall gather from his realm all causes of stumbling, and them that do wickedness; and they shall send them into the chimney of fire; there shall be weeping and beating together of teeth.

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Genesis 2:4-6: The Living Spirit of Creation

These be the generations of heaven and of earth, in the day wherein the Lord God made heaven and earth, and each little tree of [the] earth before that it sprang out in [the] earth; and he made each herb of the field before that it burgeoned. For the Lord God had not (yet) rained on the earth, and no man there was that wrought the earth but a well went out of [the] earth, and moisted all the higher part of the earth. 

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AI Safety Index 2024

Rapidly improving AI capabilities have increased interest in how companies report, assess and attempt to mitigate associated risks. The 2024 AI Safety Index therefore convened an independent panel of seven distinguished AI and governance experts to evaluate the safety practices of six leading general-purpose AI companies across six critical domains.

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Mars, Microbes, and the Majesty of God: A Call for Humble Stewardship

The recent claim that a NASA lander may have inadvertently destroyed microbial life on Mars raises profound ethical and spiritual questions. According to a report, a scientist posited that the Viking lander, a groundbreaking mission in the 1970s, might have unintentionally killed what it sought to discover—alien life. This thought-provoking theory invites reflection on our stewardship of God’s creation and the consequences of tampering with it.

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Genesis 1:29-31: God's Provision and the Interconnectedness of Life

29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

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The Tulkun of Pandora: Biblical Parallels and Immortality

In this post, I will discuss the Tulkun whales featured in Avatar: The Way of Water and explore the biblical connections I perceive within them. As I have previously mentioned, this reflects Christ’s hand working through the movie industry to speak to us. This represents subliminal messaging, which I believe is one way to confirm that Christ is the True Illuminati. Please refer to the blog post titled Subliminal Avatar for a deeper understanding of what I mean by these observations.

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From Ancient Judgment to Modern Crisis: Lessons for Our Time

In the scriptures, particularly in Isaiah 14, there is a fascinating prophecy that speaks of the Philistines rejoicing because the rod that struck them has been broken. But what rod is this, and why does it matter today? The rod referenced here is deeply symbolic, connecting to the past and offering us prophetic insight into the dangers we face in our world today.

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James 1:9-11: Timeless Truths: A Comparative Reflection

The Bible’s enduring relevance is partially rooted in its adaptability through translations. Each version conveys the same foundational truths but with nuanced language that reflects the translator’s context and theological emphasis. Comparing modern translations of James 1:9-11 with the Wycliffe Bible (1382) reveals both subtle and profound differences in tone, emphasis, and interpretation. As the first English translation, the Wycliffe Bible holds a unique place in history, offering a foundational lens for understanding scripture and placing trust in its authenticity and unaltered message.

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Church Leadership: Upholding Integrity, Family, and Truth

This post is a response to a Quora submission I received, asking how passages like 1 Timothy 3:2, 3:12, and Titus 1:6 is relevant to my teachings. These verses outline the qualifications for church leaders, emphasizing integrity, family leadership, and spiritual maturity. As we explore these passages, we see that they not only guide the selection of overseers, elders, and deacons but also challenge us to consider the state of leadership in the church amidst the staggering reality of 45,000 Christian denominations worldwide. This raises a pressing question: Who truly has the truth of God's Word? As you read further and engage with my work, you’ll discover a recurring theme—God's Word is audible, and those called to teach must proclaim it with clarity and faithfulness in a world increasingly shaped by Sin and division.

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Genesis NIV 2011/WYC 1382

Exodus NIV 2011/WYC 1382

Exodus 19 NIV 2011/WYC 1382

19 On the first day of the third month after the Israelites left Egypt—on that very day—they came to the Desert of Sinai. 2 After they set out from Rephidim, they entered the Desert of Sinai, and Israel camped there in the desert in front of the mountain.

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Exodus 18 NIV 2011/WYC 1382

18 Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.

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