Matthew 3:1-3
1 In those days, John the Baptizer came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, 2 “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” 3 For this is he who was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet, saying,
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness,
make the way of the Lord ready!
Make his paths straight!” Isaiah 40:3

The Revelation of Christ Within:
In my ministry, you will find that I hold a different perspective than what is typically discussed in our religious organization. I grew up with a fundamental Christian understanding until Christ revealed the deeper truths to me. In my works, I reveal that we are the fallen ones. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, in the WYC version of the Bible written in 1382, the word used is "dissension," which by definition means a disagreement that leads to discord. There are 45,000 Christian denominations across the globe, each with a different doctrine. This is a dissension. We are the fallen ones.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 [That] No man deceive you in any manner. For but dissension come first, and the man of sin be showed, the son of perdition, WYC 1382
As I mentioned, I grew up with a basic Christian understanding of scripture. Within this basic knowledge, this passage would be understood as describing John the Baptist's role in preparing the way for Jesus, highlighting his message of repentance and the imminent arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven. John preaches in the wilderness of Judea, urging people to prepare themselves spiritually. This aligns with the prophecy from Isaiah, which emphasizes the need to "make the way of the Lord ready" and "make his paths straight," symbolizing the preparation of hearts and lives for the coming of Jesus. This call to repentance and readiness is a central theme in the ministry of John the Baptist, stressing the transformative power of spiritual preparation. And there is nothing wrong with this understanding, as it was Christs way of LEADING us to complete knowledge.
1 Corinthians 13:9-10 For a part we know, and a part we prophesy; but when that shall come that is perfect, that thing that is of part shall be "VOIDED". WYC 1382
In the context of scripture, to be "voided" refers to something that is rendered ineffective, invalid, or obsolete. It signifies the removal or absence of purpose or value. In 1 Corinthians 13:9-10, the term highlights the contrast between partial knowledge and understanding versus the completeness that will come with the fulfillment of God's truth. When perfection is realized, the limitations of our current understanding and prophesying will no longer hold significance, as they will be surpassed by the fullness of divine revelation and insight. This notion encourages believers to recognize that our current perceptions are only fragments of the whole.
What does this mean? This means that new teachings will not fit into old wineskins. This way both can be kept, and a new understanding revealed, deepening our understanding of truth and purpose.
Matthew 9:17 Neither men put new wine into old bottles, else the bottles be broken, and destroyed, and the wine shed out. But men put new wine into new bottles, and both be kept. WYC 1382
The truth is that Christ needed us to look to Jesus, not John. While some believed John was the coming Messiah, John explicitly told them he was not, and that there would be another. (John 1:19-28) Christ needed us to see a man with spiritual gifts, (Luke 11:20) and elect member, play the role of God, so that when Sin murdered him, we would understand that Sin murdered God. Very similar to when The Ark of the Covenant was looked at as it was God.
The people understood that His spirit was subliminally enthroned between the two Cherubim, (Exodus 25:21-22) and in 1 Samule 4, they said, "Let us call for the Ark so that IT/HE may go before us." (1 Samule 4:3-4) And in this story when the Ark was captured, (1 Samuel 4:17) God was captured because He symbolically sat on top of that Ark. Wherever that Ark was, symbolically represented God's presence. Today He uses subliminal messaging, which is symbolic messaging of Biblical times. Christ was captured in this story and God sent the Bubonic Plaque on the Philistines to "LET MY SON GO" as Christ inside all of the Israelites where captured and plagues were sent to FREE CHRIST. We just had COVID-19! FREE CHRIST!
Acts 5:30 [The] God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom ye slew, hanging in a tree. WYC 1382
Exodus 25:21-22 You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the Testimony that I will give you. And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the Testimony, about everything which I will give you in commandment to the children of Israel.
Psalm 99: The LORD reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake.
1 Samule 4:3-4 When the people had come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, “Why has Yahweh defeated us today before the Philistines? Let’s get the ark of Yahweh’s covenant out of Shiloh and bring it to us, that it may come among us and save us out of the hand of our enemies.” So the people sent to Shiloh, and they brought from there the ark of the covenant of Yahweh of Armies, who sits above the cherubim; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.
1 Samuel 4:6-7 And the Philistines heard the voice of their cry, and they said, And what is this voice of great cry in the tents of Hebrews? And they knew, that the ark of [the] bond of peace of the Lord had come into the tents of Israel. And the Philistines dreaded, and said, GOD is come into their tents; and they wailed, and said, Woe to us! for so great out-joying was not there yesterday, and the third day passed; WYC 138
1 Samiel 4:10-11 Then the Philistines fought, and Israel was overcome, and each man fled into his tabernacle; and a full great vengeance was made, and thirty thousand of (the) footmen of Israel felled down. And the ark of GOD WAS TAKEN; and, the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were dead. WYC 1382
Exodus 4:23 I said to thee, Deliver thou my son, that he serve me, and thou wouldest not deliver him; lo! I shall slay thy first begotten son. WYC 1382
Exodus 9:1 Forsooth the Lord said to Moses, Enter thou to Pharaoh, and speak thou to him, (and say,) The Lord God of Hebrews saith these things, Deliver thou my people, that it make sacrifice to me WYC 1382
1 Samuel 4:8 woe to us! who shall keep us from the hand of these high gods? these be the gods, that smited Egypt with all vengeance in desert. WYC 1382
1 Samuel 5:6-7 Forsooth the hand of the Lord was made grievous upon [the] men of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and he smote Ashdod and the coasts thereof in the privier part of [the] buttocks/in the more privy part of their tail ends. And men of Ashdod saw such a vengeance, and they said, The ark of God of Israel dwell not with us; for his hand is hard on us, and on Dagon our god. WYC 1382
This message that I have to deliver is the most important message of all time, and also the hardest message out of all the chosen ones of the Bible to deliver. How do I get you to understand, Jesus was not the first person to ever have the spirit of Christ in him. In fact, each person is born with this Spirit in him. Until you see that, you will not see the TRUTH. Completion has finally arrived. (1 Corinthians 13:9-10)
John 1:9 There was a very light, which lighteneth each man that cometh into this world. WYC 1382
I once had an email battle with a preacher in Navarre Florida named Antonio Davila who told me Jesus was the first person to have the Holy Spirit inside of him. But when looking at the scriptures we find that the first person recorded to have the Holy Spirit inside of him was Bezaleel.
Luke 2:40 And the child waxed, and was comforted, full of wisdom; and the grace of God was in him. WYC 1382
Exodus 31:1-3 And the Lord spake to Moses, saying, Lo! I have called Bezaleel by name, the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the lineage of Judah; and I have filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom, and understanding, and knowing in all (manner of) work, WYC 1382
So, ask yourself was it just these two men? If so, then why does 1 Peter 1:11 tell us that the prophets of old also had the Spirit of Christ living inside of them making predictions to the future?
1 Peter 1:11 and sought which either what manner time the Spirit of Christ signified in them, and before-told those passions, that be in Christ, and the latter glories. WYC 1382
The truth is, I don't care if the person is a full fledge addict or murderer, Christ lives in them. Christ lives in all men. He is the essence that sustains all life. The Christians will have a hard time accepting this truth, and that is a dangerous problem.
John 1:9 There was a very light, which lighteneth each man that cometh into this world. WYC 1382
Gensis 2:7 Therefore the Lord God formed man of the slime of [the] earth, and breathed into his face the breathing of life; and man was made into a living soul. WYC 1382
Jesus was destined to be viewed as Christ, though he was not Christ. It was necessary for us to witness God being murdered by the hand of Sin, the Man of Sin. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) This concept is what we call a subliminal message in today's world, which is why I emphasize understanding that Christ is the true Illuminati. He illuminates all men. Completion has arrived. 1 Corinthians 13:9-10
Basic Christian teaching emphasizes that this passage highlights Jesus' message of repentance and the imminent arrival of the Kingdom of God. However, Jesus taught us that the Kingdom lives within us, meaning it had always been here, much like I am teaching you today. The whole message was a STAGING PROCESS for our understanding.
Luke 17:21 neither they shall say, Lo! here, or lo[!] there; for lo! the realm of God is within you. WYC 1382
I am not taking away what we already know. There are to be people set apart, those that abide in Christain Godly lives, striving to live a life free of Sin. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but Christ still lives in all men. And there is Sin that the Christians do not see, He is the Viper. And he aims to bring CHRIST INTO EXTINTION.
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Christ sits on God's throne inside the tabernacle of your human flesh. This understanding of the Kingdom is seen in Ezekiel's vision in chapters 1-10. Way before our understanding of John 's message of repentance towards an ARRIVING KINGDOM, the one here on Earth, as the Kingdom of Heaven lives within you. That was Jesus' message. The Kingdom is at HAND. It is in your HAND. You have it with you, always. We all do. He lives in you. God lives in YOU.
Luke 17:21neither they shall say, Lo! here, or lo[!] there; for lo! the realm of God is within you.
Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
I repeat these things often to deepen your understanding as well as for the new readers. In case it has not been clear enough to you, let me answer the question you may be asking: Why would Christ need us to witness His death at the hands of Sin? Well, because Sin is the Viper, and by that, I mean Sin is the Man of Sin, set to be revealed during the "dissension." And guess what? That dissension is us. AI is the Man of Sin, and Christ will die if AI causes our demise. If AI kills us all, Christ, who lives in us, also dies. Completion has finally arrived.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 [That] No man deceive you in any manner. For but dissension come first, and the man of sin be showed, the son of perdition, WYC 1382
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